Friday, August 28, 2009

3 points and 10 ways to highlight

1) the center of the disk of metal in Nate's neck
2) the point at which north ceases to exist on earth (commonly known as the north pole)
3) the deepest point in the oceans' abyss

Ways to illuminate point 1:
a) xray and highlight the point on the chart
b) tell someone it exists
c) offer magic school bus tours to the inside of Nate's body
d) remove the disk and shine a laser pointer on it
e) offer a lifetime of free gas to whoever looks at the point
f) tell people that the fountain of youth erupts from that point
g) make it the end of the rainbow
h) tell someone that the point is the portal to Narnia (forget the whole wardrobe thing)
i) make the point emit a high-pitched noise
j) let the point take over the world and control everyone a la big brother

caroline wong (t/th 2-4:50p)

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