Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stefan G Bucher Book Signing

Being that I had just finished a presentation on the designer, I was more than thrilled to attendStefan G. Bucher's book signing, on February 15th, 2011, only a few blocks from campus at Skylight Books in Los Angeles. I went alongside my classmate Alexandra, and we both were very excited to meet the designer/writer, and take a look at his book. The event was for Stefan's most recent book, You Deserve A Medal, a book with the most obscure awards, leaving something for every individual. When we arrived, Stefan was deep in a conversation with a few of the other guests, so we slid around the group towards the back of the bookstore. The guests were dining on wine, crackers, cheese and vegetables, and reading through Stefan's book, in addition to the different entertainment books throughout the store. Alexandra and I read through multiple books & magazines that sparked our interests. I hadn't been to many bookstores in Los Angeles, but after seeing what all they had to offer at Skylight Books, I have since then decided to venture to others around town. Being that there were so many people at the event, we weren't able to get a conversation in with Stefan, but I was still a great experience to see the live personality behind his eccentric books and designs.

Written By Monica Ahanonu

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bring It, Make It, Swap It, Take It! Roski Art Swap

March 29, 2011
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
University Park Campus, South Lawn
Make mono-prints
Model in clay
Generate buttons and books with AIGA
Create ink drawings
Answer the SOFA challenge—sidewalk chalk drawing
Bring art to trade
Pluto is not a planet t-shirts
Popcorn · soft drinks · music · Let's Be Frank turkey, beef, and vegan hot dogs
Trade art with your classmates at the Swap Tarp! 

Lupton DIY talk - Extra Credit

Design Your Life featuring
Julia Lupton

Visions and Voices
Friday, March 25, 2011 : 2:00pm
University Park Campus
Doheny Memorial Library (DML)
Friends Lecture Hall, Room 240

Admission is free.
Reception to follow.

While pundits worry about the increasing amount of time young people spend online in dematerialized virtual spaces, we have also witnessed an explosion of practices and devices that return our attention to the hand. From the online craft vendor Etsy to the tactile interfaces of our iPhones, the body and the digital are deeply interlaced. The Touch of the Hand in the Digital Era is a two-part series that will consider the particular roles that touch and the emotions play in our sense of self and the world.
Julia Lupton will offer a wide-ranging exploration of the D.I.Y. impulse of the past decade. The do-it-yourself movement, which signals the resurgence of craft and the handmade in contemporary life, exists in interesting tension with the widespread use of digital media. Julia Lupton is ideally poised to address this seeming paradox. She is a noted Shakespearean scholar who has published a series of popular books focused on design and everyday life, including Design Your LifeD.I.Y.: Design It Yourself and D.I.Y. Kids. She will also engage the audience in a hands-on D.I.Y. experience.
Related Event:
Feeling the Screen: Tactility and Emotion in the Digital Age
Monday, October 4, 4 p.m.
Doheny Memorial Library, Friends Lecture Hall, Room 240
For more info, click here.
Organized by Philip Ethington (History and Political Science) and Tara McPherson (Cinematic Arts). Co-sponsored by the Center for Transformative Scholarship.

Image: Ellen Lupton

For further information on this event: