Saturday, January 25, 2014

Eames Piece at LACMA

I was at LACMA today for the free museum day, and was wandering around the galleries when I stumbled across a Charles and Ray Eames screen. I hadn't seen this particular item when I was browsing their work on google, but it seems in the same vein as their famous chair and other pieces. I also saw this really cool radio in the same area.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hi! I'm Sophia and here's a little about me!

My name is Sophia and I'm an International Relations major here at USC! I plan on minoring in French, and I am also hoping to declare a minor in Communication Design! I'm from a small town outside of Boston, Massachusetts and I came out to USC so that I could experience a different part of the country. I was drawn not only to USC for the unique programs offered here, but also to Los Angeles and being in a city that is home to so many different cultures and people. I love studying languages and am currently taking Spanish and French here at USC. I'm really interested in the way people interact and communicate through different means, and I am excited to learn more about how art can facilitate conversation between people and across cultures.

I grew up loving to make art, but aside from a drawing and painting class in high school, I have not had much formal teaching in art. One of my favorite artists is my father. His is not an artist by profession but he has always set aside time to paint and he taught my sister and me how to draw when we were younger. The picture below is of a painting he gave me for Christmas this year as a way to remember our family vacation to Santorini, Greece.

I really enjoy drawing, but have grown to love painting in recent years. Below are two of my paintings, both of which were done with watercolor.

This one was a gift that I made for my friend Nicole when she graduated college. She loves traveling and has lived in several different countries around the world, so I figured a map would be appropriate. Additionally, she always wears really bright colors so I decided that it would be fun to incorporate bright colors into the painting.

This painting depicts a vineyard in the village of Borja which is located in the Aragon region of Spain. The vineyard is 100 years old and the painting was inspired by a photograph a good friend of mine sent me while he was working at the vineyard in Spain this past summer.

I look forward to learning more about design in this class and can't wait to work with all of you!


Hello everyone! I'm Sydney. The close ones call me Syd, or variations of that: Syd Squid or Sydles. Your call! I am from Aspen, Colorado, born and raised. Yes, I've grown up skiing and I hope that I can be considered a good skier (since that is usually the first question I am asked). I am a sophomore and anxious to decide on a major. I do plan to minor in communication design and french. 
I love Los Angeles and knew that I wanted to go to school in a big city when I was applying to college. There is still a lot of exploring that I want to do but so far a few of my favorite areas are, Culver city, Larchmont street, and Abbott Kinney. 
I also love design. I love figuring out what draws me to look at an object or product for a second longer, or how I could better design what it is that I am looking at. This includes interesting architecture such as, Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, or any type of advertisements. Art in general, really. My mom graduated college as a graphic design major and my dad is an architect, so hopefully I have some artistic gene. 
Over this long weekend, I was walking in Beverly Hills after dinner with some friends from school. We passed one of my favorite stores, Maxfield Bleu, and in the window were two "clothes horses" that caught my eye. I was drawn to the large scale of these two horse sculptures in the windows, as well as the layers and textures of the white cloth that covered these animals. I also loved the play on words since "clothes horse" is a drying frame for washed clothes to dry on. I thought I'd share this with you since I was so intrigued by them. Enjoy!

Hi I'm Chrystal

Hi everyone!

I'm Chrystal, and I'm a freshman majoring in Environmental Studies...for now, and planning to at least minor in Communication Design, if not transfer into Roski to major in fine arts/design, but who knows really. I was born in San Francisco and moved to an international school in Beijing when I was twelve. Beijing is where I consider home and where I hope to return in the future to work with the abundance of social and environmental issues that are being clumsily dealt with in China (if at all...but lalalala I ramble).

(Edit: breaking up the horrible block of text I created, a digital doodle circa 2010 when I was really into the Black Eyed Peas...)

I've always been the "artsy" kid in class and liked to draw, but I became interested in design and began to take art more seriously when I became involved in a student magazine towards the end of ninth grade. I thought it was cool so I joined the formatting team and was introduced to design, but more importantly I met older students who were amazing designers/artists/people and mentored me and inspired me to improve. And so I became involved in the art/design community and developed a passion for it and did more things within it as high school went on - you can view my portfolio here. (Sorry the presentation is questionable and the writing is a bit lofty, I used it for college apps if that explains anything).

(If this interests you my portfolio has more toilets)

Anyways! The point of that story was that I often find the most inspiration in the creativity/talent/etc of the people around me so I'm really excited to be actually taking a design class with everyone! I sound super cheesy so here is a cool quiz on a cool art/design/visual things blog I discovered about an hour ago, just to make it more kitschy:

(I'd post the picture but it's really long)

Also, two websites that are so nicely designed sometimes I just visit them to drool over: