Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hi! It's Vedika

Hello, my name is Vedika, and I am a sophomore studying Business Administration. I am hoping to start a minor in Communication Design. I am what one would call a third culture child as I was born in Hong Kong but have also lived in New Zealand and India.

One of my favorite artists is a New Zealander called Max Gimblett. His work is may seem extremely simple from the surface however, there is a lot of thought that goes into his work. After seeing his work up close and watching videos of him making works, his whole artistic process intrigues me. His works reflect his European heritage and his Buddhist beliefs.  This mix of Western and Eastern ideals is greatly present in me as well.


  1. That's really cool! I like the mix between composed elements and free-form brush strokes. Have you heard of Luis Urculo? You might check out his work as well, he travels a lot and that influences his work (I saw his show called "Jet Lag" in 2012).

  2. Hi, I lived in New Zealand too! Gimblett's works are very fascinating in that he seemed to use abstract designs within a structure. I like that he uses colors that grab attention instantly, but further makes the audience look into to work more closely. I should look into his works more. Thank you!
