Monday, January 20, 2014

Hi, everyone!

My name is Katelyn Kulaga, but you can call me Kate, and I am currently a sophomore on the Nonprofit & Social Innovations track as a public policy major. I am originally from Denver, CO but grew up in Kansas City, MO and have spent a ton of time in Nashville because that’s where my dad lives! I cut hair, play lots of music, and am very involved in Nonprofit work in Kansas City, specifically at a rehab homeless shelter called reStart Inc. (you all should check out what we do!). I have a specific interest in researching human trafficking in different areas of the world & one of my longterm goals is to establish my own nonprofit dedicated to rehabilitation of victims of human/sex trafficking. 
My interest in design began in high school when I started on my school’s nationally-acclaimed yearbook as a staff designer my freshman year and worked as Editor in Chief for my junior & senior years. I became obsessed with layout design and wanted to become a publication designer or editor. Since that course has changed quite a bit, I am stoked to be shooting for a Comm. Design minor at Roski! I am slightly nervous for this class because I have never taken art, drawing, or hands on design classes before, but am mostly very excited to learn so many new things about design and to work with everyone in this class!! 

Below are some of my yearbook spreads (they are 2-page layouts, so imagine them in a book!) and then some doodles that I like to create in my free time!
Thematic feature spread on football coach, 2012 yearbook. 

Feature spread on student activities in the city, 2012 yearbook.

Theme opening for "As One" theme, 2011 yearbook.

Left is a note I made for a friend's birthday; right is a bookmark.


  1. Kate, these b&w drawings are beautiful and will come in handy when we start the next project. Make sure you keep making them in your sketch book!

    1. Hi, the blog is finally working for me, the solution is to download Google Chrome! Thank you so much for the nice comment, this style is definitely helping me with Project 2!

  2. Non profits & Innovations - that's rad! Great yearbook layouts/designs, and loving the black and white doodles.

  3. Kate, those spreads are amazing! I wish you had been on my yearbook team!

  4. It's so cool that you're interested in starting your own nonprofit and are interested in researching human trafficking!

    Have you explored the link between activism and art at all? I'm not sure what is available specific to human trafficking, but I'm really interested in art based activism and have found there can be some really cool infographics and powerful images that can educate people about an issue and incite action!

    1. Thank you, Sophia! I have not explored that connection much, but I find that kind of thing really cool too. Maybe something to look into this semester!!

  5. I really love those b&w doodles you made! It reminds a lot like the cover for an album of the band Flyleaf, with the all the swirls and waves. Very beautiful!

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