Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hi I'm Chrystal

Hi everyone!

I'm Chrystal, and I'm a freshman majoring in Environmental Studies...for now, and planning to at least minor in Communication Design, if not transfer into Roski to major in fine arts/design, but who knows really. I was born in San Francisco and moved to an international school in Beijing when I was twelve. Beijing is where I consider home and where I hope to return in the future to work with the abundance of social and environmental issues that are being clumsily dealt with in China (if at all...but lalalala I ramble).

(Edit: breaking up the horrible block of text I created, a digital doodle circa 2010 when I was really into the Black Eyed Peas...)

I've always been the "artsy" kid in class and liked to draw, but I became interested in design and began to take art more seriously when I became involved in a student magazine towards the end of ninth grade. I thought it was cool so I joined the formatting team and was introduced to design, but more importantly I met older students who were amazing designers/artists/people and mentored me and inspired me to improve. And so I became involved in the art/design community and developed a passion for it and did more things within it as high school went on - you can view my portfolio here. (Sorry the presentation is questionable and the writing is a bit lofty, I used it for college apps if that explains anything).

(If this interests you my portfolio has more toilets)

Anyways! The point of that story was that I often find the most inspiration in the creativity/talent/etc of the people around me so I'm really excited to be actually taking a design class with everyone! I sound super cheesy so here is a cool quiz on a cool art/design/visual things blog I discovered about an hour ago, just to make it more kitschy:


(I'd post the picture but it's really long)

Also, two websites that are so nicely designed sometimes I just visit them to drool over:


  1. I find it rather interesting that some of your artworks in your portfolio involved toilets. I find it rather creative and a step out of the box to use toilets as the objects you drew for your college applications and such, seeing how most portfolios (or at least my own) appear to have more of a serious or a reflective theme. Great job in displaying a work that is unique in comparison to some others; I really like it.

  2. What I love about this picture is that you have so many dimensions going on. I see images that appear to be very far away, and images that are close, and even “popping out.” It creates that sort of “balance” we have been talking about in class.
