Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3 Points

Three Points:

1. A tack on my cork-board
2. My sister's freckle
3. The circular Splatter of toothpase on my mirror

Ten ways to bring attention to my sister's freckle:

1. Take a close-up photograph of it
2. Draw a line around it on her skin to encircle it
3. Paint it neon green
4. Verbally communicate its location, "a centimeter below her left nostril, just above the curve of her lip"
5. Graph its location on a to-scale photograph of her face
6. Prick it with a needle
7. Write a childrens picture book about a civilization of microscopic people that live on your sisters face and establish within the book that the capitol of their country is located in her freckle
8. Create a large mural depicting her freckle
9. Use a piece of fabric to conceal it and on the piece of fabric write" it is possible that this is hiding a freckle
10. Follow her everywhere and ask everyone in her vicinity to take a moment to stop and admire her freckle


  1. I particularly like Strategy #6. It will inevitably bring attention to the point, but it cleverly incorporates the sense of touch that is easily neglected. Many times it is too easy to view art as a simply visual medium, but more and more it is becoming a multisensual experience affecting an audience in more ways than just through what is perceived by the eye.

  2. Although you didn't select the circle of toothpaste on your mirror, it was my favorite out of all the ones that I read. It's something that we all have experienced and needed to clean up at one point or another.

  3. I really liked strategy #9. It uses a kind of reverse psychology to draw attention to her point, which I didn't even think to use. I also made a specific freckly my point so it was nice to see what other ideas were thought of for it. I also agree with Boriana's comment. The spot of toothpaste on the mirror was my favorite point too.
