Monday, April 19, 2010

MOMA in New York

During my last stay at New York, I had the chance to go to the MOMA. I didn’t have the chance to tour all around the museum, but I did go to the Tim Burton Exhibition. The exhibition was very popular, so it was a little bit hard to scrutinize every work.

Tim Burton’s inspirations of popular culture are uncanny and expressive; the exhibition shows the full range of Burton’s creative works- current and his childhood drawings. This exhibition had the figurines from Corpse Bride and Night before Christmas. There also were costumes that were used in Burton’s films. The exhibition had the screenings of Tim Burton’s films as well. This exhibition was prohibited photography, however, I was able to purchase Burton’s 300 paged art book. Can you guess which drawings are from which films?

I love his drawings and sketches. It is amazing how his sketches come to life on the screen!

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