Monday, January 27, 2014


Hi everyone,
I'm Colin Everett, I'm a Sophomore and I'm undeclared. I grew up in New York City and spent most of my Thursdays in middle school going to gallery openings with my parents. During high school I went to a boarding school in Connecticut where I focused on photography and spent a lot of time shooting for a small Episcopal newspaper called the Episcopal New Yorker. I moved to LA last year to start at USC and I didn't do anything artistic. So this year I took drawing 1 and loved it. Now I'm in drawing 2 and Design and I have spent a lot of time on my own work. Here's one piece I did earlier this year. It's an abstraction of a sunset that I titled "Inversions"

Other than that I love design and color and I just watched a movie about industrial designers called " "Objectified" and it's really really good. It's on Netflix


  1. Have you seen "Helvetica" ? It's by the same filmmaker and is quite good. Check it out.

  2. I really like the colors you used in your piece "Inversions." At first, my eye was drawn to the bright orange triangles. Upon further looking, I noticed how you used different shades of blue throughout the piece, which kept my attention and interest in the piece. I also like the use of different shapes in the piece and how the colors contrast.

  3. I really like your art. I like that you juxtaposed colors that are contrasting -warm color, cold color. By this, the orange triangles really pop-out. Also, your work is interesting in that the majority of the piece is composed of triangles, but there is a circle on the top right. Your art reminds me of nature: triangles as mountains, circle as the sun, and the blue horizontal lines as the sea.
