Monday, September 14, 2009

Three Points

Three Points:
1. Tip of my pen in Harris 117
2. The end of a single strand of hair on my head
3. Thre freckle on my leg that's in the middle of a row of three

Ten ways to draw attention to the freckle on my leg:
1. Get a tattoo around it
2. Paint my body a single color except for that spot
3. Point at the point
4. Cut a hole in my pants at the point
5. Put a magnifying glass on the point
6. Put numbers on the other freckles and connect the dots, making the one freckle last.
7. Draw an arrow pointing to it
8. Prick it to make it bleed
9. Shine a laser-pointer on it
10. Put a bandaid on it

1 comment:

  1. I especially like the one about making your freckles a connect-the-dots game. I think that would be an interesting way to get my attention.
