Sunday, September 12, 2010

Different keys for different locks

I collected and compared the keys around me: keys that open doors in my life, in my friends' lives, and at my work. The variations in keys came from the locks they open and the importance of the places and items behind them. Simple keys open drawers of paper, small keys open bike locks, silver keys open car doors (even if they are brass underneath), and personalized (engraved or stickered) keys open apartment doors.

1. color (gold, silver)
2. bow shape
3. blade shape
4. size
5. texture
6. material
7. dirtiness
8. amount of scratches
9. thickness
10. engraving
11. hole shape
12. hole size
13. lettering
14. logo
15. whether stamped
16. length
17. border style
18. importance
19. card or metal key
20. metal or plastic
21. labeled or unlabeled.
22. tarnished or not
23. number of teeth
24. if there's a duplicate
25. if on a key ring with other keys

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