Friday, September 10, 2010

Observation Exercise

Fieldworker = Pierce Gard
Object of Documentation Log:
  Object = Tangerines!
  Dimensions = 1.5” by 2”
  Material = Tangerine skin
  Inventory Date = 09.01.10
  Location Found = Delta Gamma Kitchenette
Visual Description/sketches:

Visual Representation:

Many of the differences I noted in the tangerines had to do with the aging process. I decided to display them around a clock to represent this process, connecting the visual differences between each tangerine with the passage of time. I didn’t know which ones were older or younger but I ordered them according to looks and feel. While my representation of “aging process” distinguishes the tangerines based on their ripeness, there are so many other ways to tell one apart from another.
What differences stand out to you?

Differences Noted:
1. Brighter orange v. muted orange v. light brown
2. Green stem v. empty indent
3. Ripe v. old
4. Bruised or not
5. Speckled brown or not
6. 5 leaves on stem v. 4 leaves
7. Soft v. firm
8. Smaller/larger
9. Different fading of color (orange/yellow, like Ty dye)
10. Shaped more circular, less circular
11. Dents
12. Pores turned brown
13. Wrinkles surrounding the stem
14. Stem location while balancing
15. Circumferences
16. Stem protrudes v. sinking stem
17. Amount of indent on bottom stem
18. Temperature
19. Malleability
20. Locations of bruising
21. Shapes of bruising
22. Sizes of pores
23. Tip of stem
24. Brightness of stem
25. Coloring surrounding stem

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