Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Point Exercise

Point Exercise... since I missed class that day!

A.Point at the edge of my dock at my cottage. This point is where I wish I could start and end every day during the summer!
1. A description of the view… Lake Leelanau, the North side.
2. Pointing to it on a map
3. Verbal: walk maybe 50 steps beyond my cottage porch in a straight line
4. Describe the atmosphere
5. Footprint maps on the ground like the elephant feet directions at the zoo
6. The sound of gentle waves and boats coming back and forth
7. Pictures of my cottage from the point
8. Pictures looking out toward the lake from the point
9. Draw the opposite shoreline
10. Picture of someone sun tanning beside you
11. Describe the feeling of sun and wind and freshness

B.Point where you’ve reached your “runners’ high” (endorphin boost)
1. Describe: the feeling that you can accomplish anything
2. Photo: Of someone with a huge smile as they are mid-jog
3. Taste: salt/sweat with a dry mouth
4. Feel: the rush of energy through your blood into your head
5. Color: room brightens, gain a new site
6. Map: the effects on your anatomy
7. Feel: the pump of your heart rate
8. Feel: a fresh tingle along your skin
9. The shock that time has passed so quickly
10. Draw: someone with happy face moving quickly and loving it.

C.Point of a crossroad. Time to make a choice/decision
1. Map of 1 route leading to two different options.
2. That feeling of stress/pressure to make the right choice
3. Signs pointing in opposite directions, each saying a different result.
4. A drawing of a confused human unsure which way to go at a fork in the road
5. Written: Option 1 or Option 2. Which do you check off/circle? (like voting)
6. Verbally giving the ultimatum
7. Picture with the Devil on one shoulder and an Angel on another
8. A photo comparison of the 2 future results
9. Sounds like too much going on at once in your brain.
10. Feel: the confusion and blood boiling with indecision

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