Tuesday, May 8, 2012

LACMA college night

On Thursday April 5 I attended LACMA’s college night. I had never been to this museum before and I was in awe of the beauty and architecture of the museum. The vibe of the event was so fun. It was swarming with college kids everywhere. I was able to create my own collage and talk to other college students about their art experiences and their thought on the exhibit. The exhibit that I went to was called In Wonderland: The Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States.
I was very inspired by the many different paintings and works of art in the exhibit. Some of the pieces were a bit frightening including one set of pieces of babie’s dolls heads. While walking around the exhibit there was information on the wall divided into different parts, for example “The Body” or ”The Creative Woman” I liked how the exhibit was divided into different parts according to topic rather than by art style. I really enjoyed the pieces by Frida Kahlo. It amazed me that they were able to get so many unique pieces in their exhibit. I recognized another piece by Helen Lundeberg. His minimalist, abstract style of painting was easy to identify. The bright colors he used and his fading of colors was beautiful and I felt like I could relate his use of color to our class discussion. Overall this exhibit was inspiring and really made me value how close we are to the LACMA. I hope visit the LACMA more often and explore some of the other exhibits presented there.  

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