Saturday, December 6, 2014

Spider Web Art

For our final project, my group is focusing on the Nature Lab exhibit at the Natural History Museum. In our preliminary sketches, we focused a lot on spider webs and how we could create an interesting poster through that. So of course I decided to do a little research on my own about spider-web art. The artist I found is Tomas Saraceno of Argentina. He does work with large-scale spider webs like the one below.

I love how the web is 3D just like they are in real life. Also,  the black background works really well to show the detail and elaboration of the web.

It is imperative to know that Saraceno does not create the webs himself. Instead he uses actual spiders in a closed area to build the webs. Naturally, spiders only spin their webs in 1D space. Therefore, Saraceno and his team are constantly moving the orientation of the web, to create the 3D look.

Here is another picture of his work.

His exhibits can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Hamburger Bahnhof.

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