Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DESIGN: my definition...

Design to me implies an arrangement of things in space: what is the perfect configuration to solve the problem of a) making something aesthetically pleasing, b) useful,or c) achieve the goal in mind. But it's not just concrete-- think of an architect's mental design of a building, or the way all the chemicals in DNA are designed and configured a certain way to do what it needs to best. The old masters understood and appreciated the natural design of the organic world around us, and the philosophers of ancient Greece used math to try and understand the design of the universe. Above all design means there is forethought involved, and every step is certain and necessary for its purpose. What I don't yet know, though, is whether it exists out there and we just pick it up with our radio antenna of a brain, or if it's a human invention to understand the workings of the world around us...

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