Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Aha!" Moment: Finding the Golden Mean

One of my pictures I chose for the golden mean exercise was Irving Penn's "Ballet Society." I decided to pick one of his photographs because he positions his subjects in very interesting ways! I traced the grid, and found that the dancer, Tanaquil LeClerq, was placed so that the top horizontal line crossed straight through her arms, emphasizing her demanding presence. The top horizontal line and the right vertical line intersects at her elbow, and the crossed diagonals intersect at her thigh. Major intersections were found on her body, as they should, because she dominates the picture. More geometry comes with  an graceful arch that flows through the men's heads, with the woman at the peak of the arch. It connects the composition despite the protrusion of the dancer above the rest of the subjects. I thought this was very cool--the golden mean added to the excellent composition of Penn's photograph.

I highly highly recommend checking out Irving Penn's works, if you haven't!

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