Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Stephan Bucher Talk

I really enjoyed the talk tonight from Stephan Bucher! He talked for quite a while, but his witty sense of humor helped pass the time. As he went through the projects, I enjoyed seeing how so many of them (at least the ones that he showed) had a personal slant to them, particularly with the monster characters. It was also refreshing to see that he included projects with mostly personal value or connection, rather than ones for big name brands, or that made more money. On the money note, Bucher's "Greed Management" concept was awesome. I myself deal with those money vs. pleasure/responsibility dilemas, and it's refreshing to see someone who acknowledges a scale, or balance, rather than pushing an extreme. It takes self-assurance to admit faults, so it was cool to hear Bucher discuss his own ups and downs as a creator and business person. His few moments of self-congratulation were balanced out with an acceptance of difficult work and hours spent in potentially unfullfilling ways. I personally enjoyed these more philisophical nuggets from the talk, but the work was also interesting. It's awesome to see a project such as the time travel charity store that was quick, fun, and refreshing balanced out with a grueling corporate process such as the Blue Man Group, where he had to squeeze out creative moments from an otherwise dull process.

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