Sunday, January 17, 2010

3 Points

The front of the basketball rim at the Lyon Center
1. Point to it
2. Draw it
3. Jump and t0uch it
4. Take a picture
5. Describe how it looks
6. Listen to the sound it makes when hit with something
7. Describe what it is used for
8. Mark it with a pen
9. Throw a ball at it
10. Write a poem about it

The bottom right corner of my car bumper
1. Paint it
2. Scratch it
3. Put a drop of water on it
4. Wax it
5. Put a sticky note on it
6. Put a smudge of dirt on it
7. Dent it
8. Remove it from the car
9. Put a bumper sticker on it
10. Refer to rear-ending accidents

The edge of my dining table at home
1. Place a food item on it
2. Place a fork on the table pointing to it
3. Identify the point on the tablecloth pattern
4. Lick it
5. Clean the whole table except for that point
6. Burn a hole in that spot
7. Sniff it
8. Shine a flashlight on it
9. Put tape on it
10. Spill a drink over it

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