Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dreams - Point Projects

Point 1. My dreams (as in sleep)
  • they're forgettable
  • they're imaginary, fiction with real life influences
  • they're in color (or I remember the color the best)
  • I can writethem down, talk about them & reimagine them
  • Sometimes they come true, sometimes I just want them to
  • They're usually surrounded in a fog/mist --like a view finder
  • Sometimes its through my eyes, sometimes I am the observer of myself
  • They can be traumatic, fun, interesting, usually a combination of those & others
  • They are good inspiration
  • They are unique, yet universal
To Display:
  • I can talk about them.
  • I can make a movie about them.
  • I can write them down.
  • I can draw a comic about them.
  • Sound of the dream (like an audio-book)
  • Translate it into a different language
  • Paint it.
  • Brain map / MRI
  • Series of dreams highlight which is mine.
  • dream research.
  • Mapping of dreams vs. real life
Point 2. My freckle on my nose.
  • It is brown
  • It is asymmetrical
  • It is surrounded by lighter freckles
  • It is the darkest freckle on my nose
  • It is the biggest freckle on my nose
  • It is off center
  • It is on the left side of my nose
  • It is at the top of the bridge of my nose.
  • It attracts attention
  • You can see it when you look at my nose from most directions

To display:

  • Take out my other freckles
  • colro it a different color
  • i can put a glowing aura around it
  • I can draw an arrow to it
  • I can frame it
  • I can duplicate it all over my face.
  • I can raise it
  • I can darken it.
  • I can plot its GPS coordinates
  • I could take a picture of it.

Point 3. My fingernail (left thumb)
  • At the moment it is painted sea foam green. The paint is chipping.
  • I have almost complete control of how I want them to look.
  • It grows, and I must cut it.
  • It cannot feel pain.
  • It can inflict pain.
  • It, without paint, mimmicks the color of my skin.
  • It is held in place by skin.
  • It looks similar to my other nails, but only on my left hand.
  • It can get dirty.
  • It is unique, yet universal
To Display:
  • I can paint it a different color than the others
  • I can leave it unpainted and the others painted (vice versa)
  • I can draw a map of wherever it goes.
  • I can graph its growth
  • I can grow only it out super long.
  • I can write song about it.
  • I could follow it around for a day with a movie camera.
  • I could draw it.
  • I can wear a glove with a whole in it showing only that nail.
  • I can trace it.

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