Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Point Project: Antenna

1. Tip of Antenna
Description: silver, reflective, metal, comes to a point, captures radio waves, connected to rod, is a source of news, information, entertainment, and advertisements, if broken that information would be scrambled  

1. hit the tip with a spotlight
2. paint the tip a different color
3. isolate the tip against a neutral background
4. photograph the tip and throw the background out of focus
5. play music through the radio but only have the antenna visible
6. create a sign pointing to the antenna
7. create a sign that reads "connecting you to the rest of the world" above the antenna
8. draw representations of radio waves and attach them to the antenna
9. film a video of just the antenna but include the audio from the radio
10. rip the antenna off the radio and place it in the middle of a field

2. Bolt in Table Top
Description: silver, reflective, partially rusted, surrounded by wood, blunted by age, disturbs flow of the wood, creates indents and splinters in the wood, adorned with specs of yellow and green paint

1. add more specs of paint
2. remove it and place it on top of the table
3. spotlight it
4. macro photo of bolt showing fine details
5. surround the bolt with a single color
6. draw the bolt and make it the brightest element of the drawing
7. etch designs into the bolt
8. place pencils around the bolt, all pointing inwards
9. sing a sing about the relationship between the bolt and wood
10. film the bolt and place it in the center of the frame, include the audio of the bolt being drilled into the wood

3. Griffith Observatory
Description: concrete structure, consists of domes and curves, a telescope sticks out from one of the domes, has several binocular viewing stations (if you brought quarters), illustrates the spatial relation between all the planets in our universe on the walkway leading to the entrance, sits a top a dominant hill within waving distance of the hollywood sign

1. paint it orange
2. shine a light through the telescope making it a giant flashlight
3. draw a map from USC to the observatory
4. photograph the structure in black and white and use a red filter to darken the blue sky above it
5. set off the fire alarm
6. leave a trail of purple paint from the entrance of the park, up the hill, through the tunnel, and end the trail in front of the observatory
7. have several helicopters shine their spotlights on the building from all angles at night
8. cut down all surrounding vegetation, the hill will look terrible, but it would draw more attention to the observatory
9. project the view of the night sky onto the observatory
10. blow up the hill below the observatory with dynamite to create a cloud of dirt that commands everyone's attention, when the dirt cloud settles, viola, the observatory is revealed

Chris Hanke

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