Thursday, February 19, 2009

Project 2 by Nouri

Repetition: After searching through many of Shepard Fairey's works, I cam across a woman's face that had a certain pattern surrounding her face. The woman's face caught my attention so I decided to use as part of my piece. I basically took figments of her hair's shadows and continued them throughout the space. I made the region around her face more dense with similar shapes and less dense in the outer regions of the frame. I wanted to give the appearance that these shapes were merging together to create her face. 

Movement: This is one piece I am not satisfied at all with. My interpretation of movement was significantly skewed prior to creating this piece. One criticism I received was that the piece was too flat. The viewers eyes did not move around the image as much as I anticipated. One thing I would have done different: I would have created more curvy lines or complicated the image a bit more. This image seems to be more consistent with the balance principal.

Balance: In one of Shepard Fairey's pieces, I cam across a picture of a woman's face.  The face was very symmetrical so I decided to cut the face in half and slant one side to give the appearance of falling off outside the frame. Once completed, I wanted to create some sort of connection between the two halves so I decided to place a pearl necklace on her. The pearl necklace was also to create some sort of movement within the image. In the sketches the woman's face was originally black which made the shadows of her face more visible. However, when i decided to make her face white I lost those original deep shadows. One thing I would have done different: Make her face and hair black and the background white. 

Economy: I originally only had the man face in the bottom left corner without the pattern flowing up to the top-right corner. His mustache seemed to lose its appearance and was not consistent in detail as with the rest of his face. I decided to add a complex pattern flowing out of the mustache. I wanted to make a complex pattern but in a limited, clean cut space. 

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