Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I attended the Alice Könitz powerpoint show and I got to see her work. The work is mainly structural, taking a heavy influence from modern architecture around the city. Most of Alice's work seems to be objects that reference architecture, rather than something that could be used as part of an actual edifice or construct, but she keeps a healthy balance of both by having installations of public artwork. She really wants to put something up in century city because of the urban retro design feel that it has. 

Personally, my favorite work of hers was a small piece that she did that was sort of an abstract representation of a freeway that she takes a liking to. The history behind the freeway is that it was stopped mid construction, so there is kind of a random platform that she likes to visit and look from. As part of a more functional artistic project that she would like to carryout, she wants to build an elevator that can take people up to the platform in order to look at the view from it. I think its a really interesting concept because I find it really funny how something so vast and concrete could be stopped mid construction. Although it may seem like a wasted space at first glance, Alice is someone who is attempting to make something of it.  

The small scale sculpture that she did was sort of two platforms combined together, but combined in a way that someone could not really tell what it is supposed to be solely by looking at it. Once she explained the freeway story it really took to my liking and I enjoyed the piece for its representation of something so vast through such simple miniscule platforms.  

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