Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Project 2

For project 2 my theme focused on the people of Brazilian Favelas (the slums). I visited there this summer and was inspired by the huge cultural melting pot within their artistic world. For my inspirational artist, I chose Shepard Fairey. I am a huge admirer of his work, and thought it would be legit to use his diverse artistic ideas with my theme.

1. Movement

In this piece I took a close up of a woman's face wearing a headdress. In Brazil, the women wear extravagant headdresses that have so much movement and vibrancy. They mostly wear them during parades and music related situations, but with all the noise and commotion it is a crazy visual sight to experience. I thought this would be perfect for a movement composition. The bottom left corner starts with her eye and I wanted to have the piece move from there, adding movement and giving a sense of her walking or some kind of direction. The feathers in the headdress add a lot of direction that flows. I also tried to break the one direction with the band going more of a horizontal direction rather than diagonal, and her hair with a vertical direction. I think the feathers are overpowering the piece a little bit, and should have added a little more variety in direction.

2. Balance

In this piece I did a close up of a woman's face wrapped in a
scarf. I made her face more of bold white definitions and contrasted it with the intricate details of the scarf. In this piece, the scarf has a lot of movement and repetition, but it creates balance for the viewers eye because you keep going back and forth from her face to the scarf.

3. Emphasis and Economy

In this piece I took a man looking outside of his window. I wanted to simplify the piece and not give as much detail how I did in the other pieces. I thought with this I could really add a defined focus to the man. I used thin lines and blacked out most of the other window which framed the man in. Also, I played around with the white and used negative space with his arms and hands leaning out of the window to create more of an emphasis to him so he wouldn't be completely framed into the window.

4. Repetition

In this piece I did a close up of a female's chest. In Brazil, the people's clothing are always vibrant with pattern and I thought it would be fun to experiment repetition with this subject. I made her body bold with black defined lines to emphasize the repeated pattern on her bikini. I used this specific pattern because I thought it gave a nice sense of curves and added depth/volume and direction to her body and the overall composition.

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