Thursday, October 15, 2009

Self Critique

The theme for my project was the industrialization of agriculture and its detrimental effect on humans and animals. My first piece used the element pattern. I englarged the size in order to show how big corn has become in the food we consume/farming industry. If given the opportunity to fix this piece I would add more detail and some sort of backround, or at least horizon line to break it up.
The second piece I did was to show the common farmer and how he is being taken over by factory farms. The element was movement. I think I didn't show this element as well as I could have and would fix that. If I could improve this piece I would put more detail in the farmers face and do a little more with the background
My third piece shows the element of balance. This is the one I'm most disappointed about because it didnt turn out like my drawing at all. I'm happy with the composition of the original drawing, but I would do this one over. I would also make it more balanced so the element is easy to see.
My last piece was a chicken on a noose to sybolize their helplessness against cruel factory chicken farms. This piece shows emphasis and economy. I'm very happy with how this piece turned out and how it clearly shows the element

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