Monday, October 5, 2009

self-critique on Project 2

The theme I chose for my designs was jellyfish. I explored different types of jellyfish and the different ways they moved. I chose Art Nouveau to study and I attempted to make my jellyfish designs in that detailed way.

repetition: For this piece I wanted to only show a portion of the jellies in different sizes. I think it is plain though. I maybe should not have used just the tops of the jellies, or I could have made them in different shapes rather than ovals.
emphasis and economy: I agree with my classmates when they stated that my piece was too light and did not have enough dark areas. I was trying to make this piece simple in order to show the economy, but it ended up being too light and not enough detail.

movement: I personally liked my movement piece the best, however it had a lot of detail that I was unable to finish before the critique. My movement and balance pieces were the most modeled after the art nouveau style and I think my classmates responded positively to those pieces the best. I tried to create the art nouveau style, as well as keeping the jellyfish theme, but I had a problem with time and it did not
turn out exactly how I imagined.

balance: My balance piece is similar to the movement piece in that I tried to use the art nouveau style as much as possible. Again, this piece was one of the better ones of my collection, however I felt it was not as neat as it could have been.

emphasis and economy: I agree with my classmates that this piece is too light and does not have enough contrast. I think the composition could be better with more black and a better contrast. I tried to create more economy by having a simple jelly, but it came out too simple and not detailed.

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