Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bringing Back Broadway

For this project, my design style was Constructivism and my topic was theater. I tried to incorporate Constructivism into my poster through the composition, by making the diagonal lines bold. However, because this style's color palette is very limited, I decided to use contemporary colors (thank you Ikea Catalogue 2009). As for the topic, I didn't want to use a film, so I decided to literally take a theater (or several in this case) as the subject of my poster. The first picture was when my poster was still in the works (and when my kitchen floor was covered with yellow paint). I had just cut out all the windows in my buildings and taped my color swatches to the Bristol paper. I then used two coats of gesso and then two coats of acrylic paint. At first, I wasn't sure how I would make the two lines, but then I found my dad's electric tape so it was all good. The second picture is the finished poster, where I had to cut out the letters and make stencils for the film reels. I then sponge-painted them so that it would be somewhat transparent, allowing the buildings behind to be somewhat visible. I had some trouble making the film reels look like film reels, because adding any more detail seemed to clutter up the space. As for the type, I wish I had exaggerated the size of "Broadway" so that it would be distinct from "Bringing Back". All I can say is, I need to learn to use Photoshop.

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