Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Poster Project, or: Why people pay money for the legitimate versions of software

For my poster, I had to combine the theme of Art Nouveau with a Theatre theme, so I picked a mentalist who does stage shows.
What I like about it: it's a cool idea, that represents 'something wicked' with a menacing man. The face peering back from the man's head is sort of emblematic of the idea of having eyes in the back of your head. Though the idea of the handbill means that half the composition is taken up with text, it leaves a more interesting shape for me to play around in.
What I would change: I needed a legitimate font, because it got blocky at large sizes. That's the risk you run with free fonts. The free online photoshop clone I used was also adequate, but more effects would have been lovely.
Composition could have been made better by having that art nouveau thing circle his head. Also, the hand needed to be lightened up, because in the way it got printed, it became too dark to make out the knife.

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