Saturday, February 22, 2014

Vedika Crit










  1. Balance #2, proportion #1 and Emphasis #1 are all good. Movement is not quite as active as it can be. Lets work on that one on Tuesday.

  2. For Balance- I think #2 is more dynamic and interesting. There is a good balance between light and dark space. For Proportion- I like the first one you have up. I think the doors are a really good frame for the image but I would add a bit more shading maybe on the half circles on the door. For movement- I like the idea of your first one but I wish the figures weren't so systematically and geometrically placed in the frame. I think they should be spaced out more randomly and maybe some should be shaded. Also, the figures further back should get smaller to show depth. FOr economy and emphasis- they both work well but my eye is drawn to the second one. I think the way you shaded it is very interesting. I would maybe try to make the building on more of a diagonal and have the arches get smaller as they go to the right to show depth and space.

  3. fifth image: i really like the repetition of the bodies…i think you could enhance the idea of movement by coloring some of the bodies in, but coloring ones in that lead up to the top, so creating a sense of direction by having some be black and some white.

    I really love the first emphasis!…I think the second emphasis could be stronger…i don't think any one part in particular catches my eye
    I love the second proportion…creative to me…maybe making the lines of the coliseum a bit thicker?

  4. second for balance, second for proportion, and your first for emphasis were my favorite. I think you have done a good job at moving the viewers eye around the image and conceptually are giving us an idea of what your work id about.

    I think you have developed really good ideas, but if you are talking about a multicultural theme i don't think your point is as strong when you keep your patterns and designs minimal. Some of your works i think can be pushed farther, especially for your first image you posted, but other then that i really like your work!!

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  6. My favorites were the second balance image and the first movement image. I think in the first balance one, there could have been more content and more movement. I also really liked the detail and drawing of the elephant image, however I think more could be added to the composition to make it more appealing to the eye.
