Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Very Late Intro

Hello all! My name is Nicolette Martin and I am a freshman here at USC. So far I am loving my experience and especially all of the things I am learning in my Drawing and Design class. I recently applied to the Roski for the spring semester and I am happy to say that I have been accepted! I look forward to pursuing my BFA starting January. Before USC I had been painting and drawing ever since I can remember, taking classes in both high school and outside of school. My very first inspiration to draw was the Powerpuff Girls (I was obsessed) and today I mostly like to draw faces and figures. My favorite medium to use is either pencil or watercolor and I tend to mix both in my pieces like the one I did for my portfolio for the Roski below! Another interesting fact is that I play on the Sand Volleyball team here so I hope you all come out and support! Thank you

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