Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I never intended on being an art major. Even now, I still think it's kinda weird that they let me into Roski, but so far so good!

I'm Jackie. Born and raised in the bare definition of suburbia: Redlands, California. I am a climber, nail artist, baker, student, blogger, adventurer, selfie-taker and font snob extraordinaire.

My eyesight is pretty atrocious seeing as I spend a majority of my life in front of screens. Whether TV, laptop, desktop, phone, or iSomething, I can guarantee that I'm sitting way too close for way too long. That being said, I'm also an aspiring designer. Layout and Photoshop fill my heart with content (I plan on adding illustration to that list even though I can't draw to save my life right now).

Career goals include being the creative director for Vogue or Teen Vogue or heading the design branches for Facebook, Apple, or Google to improve their UI and graphics.

That's pretty much all there is design-ish about me!

I'm really bad at conclusions! :D

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