Monday, August 31, 2009

Art vs Design

Art and design have become two increasingly intertwined forms of expression. Art's purpose is to be aesthetically pleasing, creative and inspiring, and design is geared more toward function. But this is not always true. Just because design is supposed to serve a purpose for our everyday life doesn't mean that it can't be just as inspiring as a piece of art. If you are going to live in chairs, beds, rooms, houses, why not make it beautiful? A great designer doesn't see an assignment as only function over form.

The elements of design must also be applied to art. Color, texture, line, etc are all integral to creating fine art. Many say that if something is useful is is automatically considered design. But where is the line drawn? I think the main difference between art and design is that art is created to raise questions and problems while design is there to solve them.

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