Tuesday, September 1, 2009


3 Points:
  1. The point where the minute and hour hands overlap on my watch
  2. The tip of the most northwesterly blade of grass in McCarthy Quad
  3. The point where my index finger meets my pen
Attracting attention to point no. 2:
  1. Handout a treasure map
  2. Remove every other blade of grass in the quad
  3. Place a GPS beacon at that point
  4. Dye all the other blades of grass white
  5. Shine a laser pointer at that point at night
  6. Photograph the point with only that point in focus
  7. Make posters advertising the point
  8. Place a powerful magnet at the point to attract passing bikes
  9. Cover the rest of the Quad in butcher paper with only that point emerging
  10. Place a large telescope in the Quad aimed directly down at that point

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