Sunday, August 30, 2009

Art vs Design

Charles Eames describes design as "A plan for arranging elements in such a way as to best accomplish a particular purpose." Eames was a well known designer in subjects such as industrial and furniture desgin to film and architecture. He must consider himself a designer but I wonder if he considers himself an artist. He does say in his interview that design may be judged as art later if it is good enough. He explains that because "design depends on constraints" it has a function. Dave Hickey thinks art is validated through talk, he states, "works of art are validated and brought into public existence by talk, then explained, controlled, and presumably authorized by writing." I think Kees Dorst best describes the "border between art and desgin as permeable", in which artists and designers cross into each others field. I agree with his idea that artists, unlike designers, strive to influence culture and society. While designers may do this as well, however, it is not their first intention.

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