Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Extra Credit - Tanana Takite

Though Tanana Takite is not a graphic designer, the work that she creates attempts to push boundaries and work with the material at hand in an original manner, similar to a traditional hands-on approach to design. Tanana Takite is a textile and fashion designer from London, but rather than view the surface of the fabric as a flat canvas, sees it as a template to build upon as evidenced when viewing her designs ( ; her images cannot be saved or direct linked). In my opinion, her limited number of works does not serve as a detriment, but rather testament to the incredible creative labor involved, likely much more beyond the typical fashion designer.

In her specific experimentation with individual threads (in the 'Hair' set of photographs), she successfully creates an optical illusion based in the movement and quality of her art. Though the thread is a static object, her precise manipulation of every individual thread makes it amazing. My favorite of her limited set of images is the dress entitled 'Cake' under the 'Wound' set of images. The dress functions art itself, seemingly more worth of display than functional wearing. Though there is a bare minimum of information regarding Takite, her textile and clothing design remind me of Impressionist paintings, in concept and color. From far away, they are beautiful and form an impressive seen, but when seen up close, the viewer realizes the incredible amount of technical skill involved. For the Impressionists, this was the use of tiny dots to show movement, while for Takite it is a mastery of tiny threads and texture.

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