Monday, August 30, 2010

Hey FA102!

Hey everyone! My name is Pilar. Im a sophomore, from Chicago and am a Fine Arts major, with emphasis in Photography.
This summer, I spent most of my time at my AWESOME internship. My summer internship was at Sotheby's in Chicago. I was the summer intern for the Fine Art Auction house downtown. There, I spent most of my time organizing previous sale catalogs, filing invoices and assisting with the small, yet charming staff in the office. On the last day of my internship, I was taken to the Art Institute of Chicago Museum by the Fine Arts director of the Chicago office, as a token for my hard work over the summer. It was known to the office that I have a passionate love for photography so we went to see the Henri Cartiter-Bresson exhibit. There, I instintly fell in love with his work. With over 300 plus photos displayed, it was clear that I had a new idol. What I learned that was MOST facinating about Henri's work was that, not one of his photographs were cropped. He made an emphasis on how important photographing the subject was, rather than spending most of his creativity in the editing process. Here are some of my absolute favorite photographs of Henri Cartier-Bresson's work. Hope you all enjoy them as much as I do!


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