Tuesday, October 19, 2010

(1) What is the theme of the Biennial? Do you find the Theme relevant? Why or why not? Action/Reaction was an interesting theme, especially in the current age of greyness where there is a difficult distinction between right and wrong due to the issues brought about by technologies in society. (2) Is the theme expressed through the objects on display? Site an example. As a whole, the commonalities that is coincidentally being portrayed in most all the works is sustainability. For example, Sachi&Sachi floral billboards share the theme of sustainability with Juliette Ballocq's silk screens which promotes environmental awareness and conservancy. (3) What object/designer captured the theme most closely? I felt that the reTweet feature on Twitter that was being displayed was very interesting. Action/Reaction was then extended to everyone even those outside the art scene. It included the actions and reactions of anyone who uses Twitter, the spread of ideas and news which includes ideas on sustainability. (4) Which object/design did you find the most interesting? Please site examples and explain why. Once again, the reTweet as it is displayed in a museum. I also found the the work of Juliette Billocq to be very interesting both aesthetically and thematically. (5) Which object/designer did you find the least compelling please site examples and explain why. The hearing aid designed by Stuart Karton Design seemed the least compelling. The design in itself was interesting but it seems to appeal only to a select group of people. That would be designers who would appreciate the design and consumers who would buy it. There was minimal application to the theme Action/Reaction. (6) What was your overall impression of the exhibition? Any additional comments you'd like to make? I found the exhibition to be very interesting. It was exciting to see things that I wouldn't normally think of as design or art like the reTweet being featured in the exhibition. But I really enjoyed looking at Juliette Billocq's designs.

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