Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Design @ Pasadena museum of Art:Recap of field trip

The Action/Reaction tour given at the Pasadena museum of art focused on designing things with sustainability. Fashion out of many other design subjects stood out the most to me. Clothing is a vital part of everyday life. Yet, numerous fads turn clothing into luxury items instead of protective resources against the weather. People never seem to study or think about the materials or chemicals use to make a certain bag, dress , or shoe. Some designers in the exhibition began to apply new techniques on cutting back on harmful materials used in production. For instance, Puma came up with resumable bag to cut back on the use of cardboard and shipping cost. This was submitted under product design and it had multiple uses that were associated with fashion.Another group of items that drew attention during the tour was the costumes designed by Michael Schmidt. He's known for designing eccentric costumes out of things like found razors, plastic,football padding and etc. His work is preferable worn by celebrities only to be physically used once to dazzle. His work addresses recycling aspects. However, dose not fully address the maintain the true essence of sustainability. I felt his work and another artist by the name of Michel Berandi fell flat when it came to the theme of the exhibition.

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