Sunday, October 17, 2010


I apologize for not having pictures since I do not have a camera yet!

1. The theme is "Action/Reaction" responding to current events. Even though the theme might be broad in words, I thought that it was interesting how different designers approached their arts with the underlying message of sustainability. Wether it be fashion, graphics, architecture, transportation, industrial, or product design; the designers were able to transformed simple recycled materials into new found arts that not only benefit the world, but is joyful to look at as well. The theme is very relevant to the present world because consumer wastes are increasing, and people are not utilizing the resources the right way.

2. The theme are expressed through the objects on display. Especially in the laundry detergent piece, IconA5, and the Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2. The laundry detergent project stood out to me because it was unique, and interesting how they used a lot less plastic to make the bottles while also making it more efficient per pump. Secondly, the IconA5 is a fuel efficient jet plane that I thought was very creative. Lastly, the Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2 is making space travel within reach for the less wealthy which was clever, and it does not require the normal amount of energy to launch.

3. I thought the 747 Wing House in Malibu was the most effective in capturing the theme because using the wings of an old airplane as a roof is not only creative but very resourceful as well. I was inspired by how the artist utilized this in his architecture that seems really complicated and expensive to execute.

4. The Farmosa Building (The Red Apartment Buildings) in West Hollywood was actually my favorite piece because the design is unique while also using the simplest of materials. The outside design was very engaging, and the interior design was very welcoming and homely. I really want to visit there someday.

5. The Heath Ceramics project where new tiles are being developed were the least compelling to me because I did not see any interesting aspects of it. I thought that the idea has been done by someone else before. I also found it to be boring to look at since they should at least add designs on the tiles before manufacturing them to give them identity or uniqueness.

6. I thought the exhibition did a great job at displaying, and selecting artworks that they represented. This collection was particularly interesting since all the artists and designers took a different perspective at Action/Reaction and tied them all in with sustainability.

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