Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Extra Credit- Typography

I came across the book Inside Paragraphs wish is a book on typography and what does on inside a paragraph of printed text. It explains how type works how how we read type. What first caught my attention when I looked at this book was its landscape in design, which allowed more information to be held on each page. I didn't know anything about typography so it was interesting to read some of the tips on type.

Extra Credit

While working on my NHM final poster for the African Mammal Hall I came across this painting which gave me the idea to use water color  for my background, to add some texture, instead of a flat solid background from the computer.


I am a Fine Arts major with an emphasis in photography and ceramics. I have never taken a design class before and not really sure what to expect. I am excited to see what this class has to offer and how it will help my future work.