Thursday, September 1, 2011
Pacific Standard Time Events & Exhibitions
Pacific Standard Time is a collaboration of more than 60 cultural institutions across Southern California coming together for the first time to celebrate the birth of the L.A. art scene. The celebration begins October 2011 and runs to April 2012. Click here for a schedule of events
Graduate Lecture Series: Thomas Demand
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lecture Forum
Graduate Fine Arts Building (IFT)
3001 S. Flower Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Design in Motion
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
First Time I've Ever Enjoyed Researching . . .

DESIGN: my definition...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
touch wood ad.
NTT DOCOMO "TOUCH WOOD" from sohn seok kyoung on Vimeo.
I love advertisements. More than anything else, I often myself searching
through the web to find some fascinating video clips, ads or whatevers.
I recently saw this ads/commercial made in Japan, more than the
design of the cellphone, this crazy ad for this cellphone made me
drop my jaw. Take a look at it, and here is the making video for this commercial.
touch wood making from sohn seok kyoung on Vimeo.
What is the Design?
A painter arranging figures in a work is design. An engineer shaping an airplane wing is design. Poetry is a sort of design. Advertising is design. Programming can be design, although it often isn't very good design.
Regardless of the materials and goals, the point of design is the same: to get the most of something, while using the least of something else. The goal can be measurable, like a bridge's strength, or abstract, like a painting's appeal to an audience, but the goal of design is to make it happen, and to make it happen efficiently. The cost involved with design is sometimes subtle; in engineering or programming, costs in materials and memory are easy to see and measure, but in art or advertising the cost is more likely to be in things like time and patience. Adding an element to a piece of art might make it deeper and more meaningful, but it can also make the work as a whole harder to understand. On the other hand, advertisements have to sneak as much meaning as possible into strict time constraints.
All design shares a few key concepts, including its most important tools: iteration and testing. Iteration involves going back over a design that has already been made and trimming or adding to it as necessary to improve its effect. Testing, meanwhile, helps to identify problems or holes that can be fixed by later iteration. In some cases an artist's eye or an engineer's calculations can be valuable "testing", but it's always best to send the design out into the world (at least a little part of it) to see if it works the way it's intended to.
In visual design, this means not just analyzing your own work as it progresses, but asking others to look it over and see if it works for them, too. The earlier potential problems can be spotted, the easier it is to revise them.
d e s i g n
To me design is...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Defining Design
What is Design
is when a person’s creativity and imagination clash together to make something unique and that is appealing to others. Its boundaries are limitless.
Definition of Design
I've heard a statistic thrown around that something like 80% of all meaning in a conversation is transmitted through elements beyond the actual spoken words themselves. Factors such as vocal tone and body language can transform an ambiguous serious of words into an coherent message full to the brim with subtext and indirect implications. While this is effective within the context of verbal communication, it is unsurprisingly less useful when applied to written communication and other visual forms. In these cases, design is used to fill the gap. Design gives voice to visuals, granting any single word placed on a page the potential to carry any of a near infinite variety of meanings. Imagine two closed doors, each bearing a sign reading, “Danger, do not enter.” Now imagine that one is scrawled haphazardly in pencil on the top of a post-it note while the other is printed in a rich, black, bold Helvetica font on a sturdy, neon yellow, reflective placard. While the words are the same, the levels of impact of the signs are significantly different due purely to their variation in design. One signs whimpers ineffectually while the other shouts in your face. Essentially, design is visual voice.
-Ed Saavedra
Sharpie colored lamborghini
Check this out, it's very cool! It inspires working on different types of surfaces.
What is Design
People design living spaces by utilizing which colors go well together, what shapes look good, what materials match the others, and common art knowledge that makes something look appealing.
Having a flier with an okay design vs. an eye catching colorful and appealing design makes the difference between whether people come to your event or buy your product.
Design is the way you package your art to make it appealing to your intended audience.
Design is the piece of art hung up in museums, it's the fan that keeps you cool on a hot summer day, it's the buildings that you have class in, the clothes you wear, the album cover of your favorite CD.
Design is both appealing to the eye and functional. Sometimes it's practical and other times silly and a result of pure imagination.
When it comes down to it, design is what you want it to be. You as the designer have the power to create exactly what you want.
The picture is a design piece I did. It reads, "How does it feel to be a visionaire? Dubito ergo cogito ergo sum. Feast yourself upon the truth."
"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well."
- Brian Reed
Definition of Design
A process that begins with countless possibilities
but ends with one right answer
Design: (Verb or Noun)?
Definition of Design
design design design
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Design is an aesthetically pleasing work of art that is composed of different elements; usually a figment of the imagination or an expression of the artist’s thoughts that is meant to convey a meaning or influence the viewer as they look at it.
Design - Natalia T
What Design is to Me..
Design is...
Design is a part of our daily lives.
Design is often used as a tool to show the abstract forms of our thoughts, motives and inspirations.
Design has to be “pretty”.
Yes, but the true beauty comes from the point where we are willing to embrace the reality and pain that we want to hide from the world. We can come up with beautiful design with “pretty” things. However, if the design cannot gain sympathy that ugliness and commonness will do, what is the point of the design being solely "pretty" and visually aesthetic? We should stop for a moment and think about the true meaning of beauty in order to create a “good” design.
Define Design: