Friday, September 10, 2010

Observation Exercise

Fieldworker = Pierce Gard
Object of Documentation Log:
  Object = Tangerines!
  Dimensions = 1.5” by 2”
  Material = Tangerine skin
  Inventory Date = 09.01.10
  Location Found = Delta Gamma Kitchenette
Visual Description/sketches:

Visual Representation:

Many of the differences I noted in the tangerines had to do with the aging process. I decided to display them around a clock to represent this process, connecting the visual differences between each tangerine with the passage of time. I didn’t know which ones were older or younger but I ordered them according to looks and feel. While my representation of “aging process” distinguishes the tangerines based on their ripeness, there are so many other ways to tell one apart from another.
What differences stand out to you?

Differences Noted:
1. Brighter orange v. muted orange v. light brown
2. Green stem v. empty indent
3. Ripe v. old
4. Bruised or not
5. Speckled brown or not
6. 5 leaves on stem v. 4 leaves
7. Soft v. firm
8. Smaller/larger
9. Different fading of color (orange/yellow, like Ty dye)
10. Shaped more circular, less circular
11. Dents
12. Pores turned brown
13. Wrinkles surrounding the stem
14. Stem location while balancing
15. Circumferences
16. Stem protrudes v. sinking stem
17. Amount of indent on bottom stem
18. Temperature
19. Malleability
20. Locations of bruising
21. Shapes of bruising
22. Sizes of pores
23. Tip of stem
24. Brightness of stem
25. Coloring surrounding stem


Observation Exercise

Green leaves are flexible, brown are crispy. Decaying organic matter. Small zigzags along the outer edges. Has a variety of fading colorations, ex. yellow to green, yellow to brown. Some has curvy lines. Delicate and smooth surface.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Object Documentation

[concrete at USC]
leopard, striped, squashed leaves, flash, gum remnants, blank

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Point Exercise

Point Exercise... since I missed class that day!

A.Point at the edge of my dock at my cottage. This point is where I wish I could start and end every day during the summer!
1. A description of the view… Lake Leelanau, the North side.
2. Pointing to it on a map
3. Verbal: walk maybe 50 steps beyond my cottage porch in a straight line
4. Describe the atmosphere
5. Footprint maps on the ground like the elephant feet directions at the zoo
6. The sound of gentle waves and boats coming back and forth
7. Pictures of my cottage from the point
8. Pictures looking out toward the lake from the point
9. Draw the opposite shoreline
10. Picture of someone sun tanning beside you
11. Describe the feeling of sun and wind and freshness

B.Point where you’ve reached your “runners’ high” (endorphin boost)
1. Describe: the feeling that you can accomplish anything
2. Photo: Of someone with a huge smile as they are mid-jog
3. Taste: salt/sweat with a dry mouth
4. Feel: the rush of energy through your blood into your head
5. Color: room brightens, gain a new site
6. Map: the effects on your anatomy
7. Feel: the pump of your heart rate
8. Feel: a fresh tingle along your skin
9. The shock that time has passed so quickly
10. Draw: someone with happy face moving quickly and loving it.

C.Point of a crossroad. Time to make a choice/decision
1. Map of 1 route leading to two different options.
2. That feeling of stress/pressure to make the right choice
3. Signs pointing in opposite directions, each saying a different result.
4. A drawing of a confused human unsure which way to go at a fork in the road
5. Written: Option 1 or Option 2. Which do you check off/circle? (like voting)
6. Verbally giving the ultimatum
7. Picture with the Devil on one shoulder and an Angel on another
8. A photo comparison of the 2 future results
9. Sounds like too much going on at once in your brain.
10. Feel: the confusion and blood boiling with indecision

Object Documentation Log

I did my documentation log on leaves I found outside of Century Apartments. Some I found in the dirt, others on the sidewalk and grass. The leaves measured anywhere from 1 1/2-3 inches long and 1/4-1 1/2 inches wide.

1. Some have yellow stems and veins, others have brown veins
2. one is shaped differently with 3 “fingers” and is brown
3. the one with 3 “fingers” has a longer stem than all the others
4. the 3 fingered leaf is crumpling and is broken→older
5. some of the leaves are curling on the sides
6. some of the leaves are very dry and bumpy
7. one leaf is large.
8. the large one is very green. A medium green in some parts and a yellow green in other parts.
9. one leaf is very curly and has cracks and holes in it.
10. leaf with cracks has some red veins/stems
11. some leaves have patches of color in a poke-a-dot design
12. brown freckles on medium leaf
13. medium leaf’s top is browning
14. the skinny leaf is brown and yellow.
15. the skinny leaf is smooth and does not feel like it will crumple
16. skinny leaf has black spots, the others don’t
17. skinny lead has large golden patch on middle right
18. big green leaf has brown/burnt color near top
19. big green leaf’s top curves in on itself, like the top of a heart
20. skinny leaf is shaped like a feather where tip is narrow.
21. most leaves’ tops are wide.
22. leaf with chunk missing has lighter patches, like color has been removed.
23. browning resembles burnt paper
24. green leaf feels moist and smooth
25. brown leaves feel dry
26. dry leaves make crunch sounds
27. when you bend green leaf it smells like a moist plant
28. green leaf is filled of moisture
29. dry leaves smell like dirt
30. leaves are flat and thin!

The leaves in the image are the leaves I studied. I took a photo of them before they died. I went into Photoshop and cut each one out and rearranged them. Then I added a textured background. I put the leaf that looked the most different in the center so that it would be the center of the attention. All the other similar leaves surround it, trapping it. I also arranged the leaves so that they point towards each other; creating a spiral that leads to the middle leaf. The background is a texture I found on the internet.

3 points

point of a standard click cursor:
1) click it
2) move it
3) make sounds and rhythms with it
4) drag it
5) hide it
6) zoom in/zoom out
7) morph it into a more rounded point (hand cursor)
8) bring it to all four corners of the screen
9) freeze it
10) make circular motions with it

little particle floating around in my drink:
1) swallow it
2) watch it move around after every sip
3) follow it as you spill the drink over your light, wooden desk
4) suck it through a straw
5) play with it
6) blow on it while it circles around the cup
7) dig through cup until you can pull it out
8) flick it out as you lean your cup sideways
9) add more particles so it feels like its at home
10) bite it with two front teeth

the north star:
1) gaze into it
2) picture the other side of the star
3) imagine it is a black hole, and the other end is earth
4) block it out with the tip of your index finger
5) shape your fingers like a circle and put them around the star
6) look at it cross eyed
7) imagine flying at the speed of light straight to it
8) the centuries it would take to get there
9) zoom into it with a telescope
10) picture it shooting across the face of the earth

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Message from AIGA USC - First Meeting Tonight

Greetings Design Enthusiasts!

Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 7th at 5pm in WAH 105.
 * but don't worry if you are unable to attend, all of our events will be posted on our USC AIGA Facebook page and Blog.
Our Tuesday meetings will not be the main focus of AIGA this year so don't fret if you have class and can't make the meetings.

For those of you who are able to attend the meeting, we will be discussing exciting projects and events for this semester as well as eating yummy pizza.

Some of the events we look forward to hosting include:
T-Shirt making session

Button/Pin making

Art Walk excursions

Book Binding

Studio Visits

USC AIGA club shirt competition

Design Industry speakers

Social events and Networking

Exhibitions at the Art Walk and Tutor Campus Center

Portfolio Day in May

So come out and have some fun with USC AIGA! 

See you on Tuesday!
- Kristie and Jeff

Sunday, September 5, 2010

CLICK ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought I should share this video with you guys. :) Click the link above and enjoy