Thursday, January 21, 2010

3 Points

1. Corner of a chocolate bar
  • make a dotted trial leading to the point
  • point to the point
  • make the point sparkle
  • paint the rest of the chocolate bar black and the point red
  • cut out an empty circle and place the point in the circle
  • stick a toothpick at the point
  • leave the whole bar of chocolate wrapped and the point unwrapped
  • leave it on the ground and draw an arrow with chalks
  • surround it with ants
  • use noodles as a pointer

2. Point on a chair leg
  • stick a note on your leg that points to the point
  • color the point a contrasting color
  • put an orange on ground that has an arrow on it
  • hang an arrow from the back of the chair
  • turn off the lights and make the point glow in the dark
  • place a big spider next to it
  • stick a sticky object on it
  • tape a ring of rice around it
  • tape a pencil that's pointing to the point
  • make it a point on a triangle b placing two long objects on each side

3. Point on a tree branch
  • stick a red flag on it
  • place a stuffed animal on the branch that's pointing to the point
  • hang a piece of colored string from it
  • place a piece of really shiny metal on the point
  • place a hair ribbon on the point
  • draw a big poster that shows the location of the point
  • ask someone else to point to the point
  • give instructions on how to locate the point
  • break the branch at the point to attract attention
  • surround the point with miniature branches sticking out from it

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

3 points

1.) Blue Knob on the ceiling of the class room
-Point at it
-Tell someone where it is
-Build a wood arrow that points at it
-Paint it a bright color
-Retrieve it and bring it to the person
-Hang a bright red string from it
-Draw it for someone
- Create neon sigh saying "point here"
-Take everything else out of the room
-Take someone and place them right under it and tell them to look up
2.)Tip of my nose
- Paint my nose red
- Peirce my nose
- Scratch my nose
- Point at my nose
- Tell someone that what they are looking for protrudes from my face
- Break my nose
- Put a big gold star on my nose
- Rub the tip of my nose on someone else
- Wiggle my nose
- Tell someone that i use this object to smell with
3.)Tip of my pen
- Write
- Paint it a bright color
-Misshape it on some way
- Point at it
-Build a sign that points at it
- Describe it to someone
-Tap it on the desk
- Take a picture of it
- Chew on it
- Just tell someone where the point is

3 Points

1. Cell Phone Battery
  • take phone apart and expose battery
  • alarm that draws you to battery
  • instruction booklet for phone that has battery labeled
  • drop phone on floor (battery pops out)
  • present battery on pedestal
  • replace battery
  • sketch out battery's location
2. On/Off Button of Curling Iron
  • tell someone to turn the iron on/off
  • map leading to its location in my apartment bathroom
  • leave it on and touching/burning something so someone has to turn it off
  • tell someone to curl his or hers hair so they have to locate the button
  • take it apart and just keep the button
  • look in curling iron instruction booklet
  • look on curling iron for button labeled "on/off"
3. My cat Stuart's eye (in my house in Wisconsin)
  • video chat with Stu
  • show pictures on computer
  • show pictures from my cell phone
  • go in my house and call "Stuart"
  • listen for cat sounds, for example: purring, meowing, etc
  • shake bag of food and he'll come running
  • paint a picture
  • put out a bowl of milk or dairy product
  • drag a toy around
  • wait for him by the litter box

Monday, January 18, 2010

3 Points

Top of the Eiffel Tower
1. Point to the top from far away, so that it looks like you're touching the tip
2. Draw a circle around the tip
3. Paint the top a different color
4. Take a picture at night at an angle where the moon is behind the tip, illuminating it
5. Just take a picture of the top
6. Put a flag on top
7. Only turn the lights on on top at night
8. Turn the Eiffel Tower up side down and stick the tip in the ground
9. Pop a balloon on the tip
10. Have someone shout from the top

Corner of a Mouth
1. Take a picture of the corner of a smile
2. Put on lipstick everywhere, but the corner
3. Have food crumbs or chocolate stuck in the corner
4. Lick the corner of your mouth with your tongue
5. Have a scar at the corner of your mouth
6. Take a picture of a fish being caught on a hook by the corner of its mouth
7. Take a picture of the side of some one's lips
8. Draw an arrow pointing to it
9. Cover it up with your hand
10. Stretch it out when you're brushing your teeth
Shark Dorsal Fin
1. Play the soundtrack from Jaws
2. Paint the fin a bright color
3. Draw a picture of a shark sneaking up on an unsuspecting victim
4. Grab the fin
5. Shark fin soup
6. Yell, "Shark attack!!!"
7. A scene from a movie where pirates force their captive to walk off the plank into shark infested waters
8. cut off the fin
9. Something you never want to see behind you when swimming in the ocean
10. Describe it as looking like the rudders on the bottom of a surfboard

Three Points

The Pupil of an Eye
1. Photoshop picture so all eyes have red eye except the center of one is a different color
2. Close eye and draw dot on the eyelid where the center of the eye would be
3. Create classes that have a tiny hold directly over the pupil
4. Reverse normal eye coloring--black iris, blue pupil
5. Create an image of an eye with a laser-like beam of light coming from the center
6. Name all parts of the eye except for the pupil
7. Create a video that zooms in on the center of the eye
8. Make the center of the eye sparkle
9. Talk incessantly about the pupil of the eye
10. Label the pupil

The Spot Where the First Snowflake Lands
1. Make a map
2. Put a stake in the ground
3. Write a song about the point
4. Stand on the point and wave a flag
5. Shine a light on the point
6. Build a snowman to stand on the point
7. Sing a song about the point
8. Place a Post-It on the point
9. Erase the point from a photo
10. Plant a tree on the point

The Distinguishing Freckle on my Twin Sister's Nose
1. Place a jewel on the point
2. Color the point a different color
3. Point to the freckle
4. Take two photos, one showing the freckle, the other with it conspicuously missing
5. Draw an arrow to the freckle
6. Enhance the point with lip liner
7. Cover the point with glitter
8. Take a close-up photo of the point
9. Hold a magnifying glass over the point
10. Write a story about the point

Three Points

1. edge of handout, bottom right corner
  • draw arrow pointing at point
  • sing a song about point
  • touch point
  • paint point
  • place point on a pedestal in a gallery
  • poke someone with the point
  • tear out point
  • stare at point
  • tell someone about point
  • build a moat around point
2. edge of bedframe
  • knock leg on point
  • zoom in and photograph point
  • place caution sign on point
  • drape towel over point
  • spear something on point
  • paint on the point
  • warn about point
  • write poetry about point
  • point out point
  • show bruise caused by point
3. speck of pollen in field in TX
  • chase point
  • catch point in hand
  • cover point
  • snort point then sneeze
  • suspend point in drop of water
  • blow point at someone
  • draw point
  • dance around point
  • eat point
  • film point

3 Points

Top of the aquarium on Manhattan Beach Pier
1. post directions throughout Manhattan
2. Put a sign outside the aquarium
3. Paint fish on the ground leading to the top of the aquarium
4. tell aquarium employees to tell customers to look
5. have people in fish costumes directing people
6. hang an arrow from the crane
7. have buoys floating near the pier pointing to the top
8. tie ribbon from the top of the aquarium and attach the ends to locations on the beach and throughout downtown Manhattan
9. Record the sounds you hear when at that point
10. Describe the smells using scratch-and-sniff stickers

Diamond on Mom's wedding ring
1. Tweet about its location
2. Have her wear a body suit that covers her entire body except for her ring
3. take a picture and add an exaggerated sparkle on the diamond
4. hand out sunglasses telling people they'll need them when they look at the ring
5. have her make wild hand gestures when speaking to people
6. put a picture in the local newspaper
7. put the ring on display in the middle of the sidewalk somewhere where many people walk
8. Make a treasure hunt, leaving clues all over town, eventually leading to the ring
9. take a picture of Skippy (my dog) licking it
10. make mom hold her hand in the air all day

Tip of Tommy Trojan's nose
1. Put a box over his head
2. paint his nose a bright color (glow-in-the-dark for at night)
3. put a blinking light on his nose
4. cover his body with fabric, leaving only his nose exposed
5. Tell people it has fallen off
6. remove it and mail it to UCLA
7. Put up "Lost Nose" signs all over campus
8. Have red and yellow paint pouring out of it
9. Have people vote as to whether or not they think Tommy needs a nose job
10. Give him a huge nose ring

Three points

End of President Obama’s cigarette

1. 1. Point at it

2. 2.Stare at it

3. 3. Enlarge it

4. 4. Put light on it

5. 5. Darken everything to emphasizes the glowing tip

6. 6. Make everything else in black and white except the glowing ember

7. 7. Take everything else out of focus

8. 8. Put a box around it

9. 9. Have him in the act of lighting it

10. 10. Have Obama flick the ash from it into an ashtray


End of a musket

1. 1. Make it prominent

2. 2. Have the bullet coming out of it

3. 3. Be looking into it

4. 4. Show it from the firer’s perspective as he looks down the barrel

5. 5. Have arrows point to it

6. 6. Cup your hands around the barrel

7. 7. Put flowers in it

8. 8. Wave it around

9. 9. Use it to poke something

10. 10. Stare at it as you shove down the ramrod

Ostrich’s tongue tip

1. 1. Make it oversized

2. 2. Make it glow

3. 3. Make it an unusual color

4. 4. Make it move

5. 5. Touch it with your finger

6. 6. Have it hang out of the bird’s mouth

7. 7. Focus in on it

8. 8. Describe it’s texture

9. 9. Touch it with a piece of food it’s about to eat

10. 10. Pull the tongue out, hold it up

3 Points

The point of intersection between two people...
1. a simple hello
2. a picture of a handshake
3. a gesture
4. the creation of man by Michelangelo
5. collision of two people
6. map the destination of the interaction
7. draw a line between a glance between two people
8. observe two people shaking hands
9. read a story about two people
10. a tear a broken heart feels

The cross section between the 405 and the 110 freeways
1. map it out
2. look at a sign
3. put a dot on a car and drive through it
4. honk really loud while passing through it
5. lay a banner down at the point
6. find a piece of gravel from the intersection
7. find it on a gps system
8. draw it
9. photoshop the point
10. park your car in the intersection

North tip of North Star
1. photoshop away the rest of the star
2. point out the tip on a map of stars
3. point to it
4. take a picture of it
5. find it at the end of the little dipper
6. fly to the star on a spaceship and capture a bit of the energy produced from it
7. draw it
8. point it out on a image
9. draw a box around it
10. paint a picture of it

3 Points

Point of finger
1. touch it
2 the photo of touching the pad of the phone with it
3. make the sound of raping the table with it
4. make a promise with the finger tip
5. play the piano with it
6. make the sound of typing the keyboard with it
7. put the red nail polish on it
8. ring the bell with it
9. arrow it
10.make acupressure

Point on the knife
1. poke with it
2. make the people hear the sound of cutting the paper with it
3. arrow it
4. paint it
5. cut the paper with it
6. cover with the rubber on it
7. stab
8. tape on it
9. thrust with it
10. touch it

Point of yolk
1. dust with salt on it
2. poke it
3. lick it
3. remove the yolk with the chopsticks
4. color it with ketchup
5. draw it
6. look at it
7. point it
8. step on it
10.Eat it

Soyoon Park 2010-1-18

3 pts

The end of the D string on Max's guitar
  1. take a close up picture so that all but the tip of the string is blurred
  2. write an essay describing where it is
  3. put it on a map
  4. playing the string
  5. tell someone about it
  6. have somebody touch it
  7. poke it through a piece of black paper
  8. color it red
  9. put a blacklight on and dip it in white ink
  10. bounce sonar off of it
The tip of the pencil next to me
  1. make a mark on my hand
  2. draw something with it
  3. hang a sign on it
  4. frame it
  5. sharpen it
  6. hold it up and look at it
  7. put it in a clear case that's filled with white sand so that just the black tip shows
  8. write a song about it
  9. put it in an empty white room
  10. break the tip off and give it to someone

The top of the Eiffel tower
  1. look it up online
  2. highlight it on the original blueprints
  3. wrap the bottom in blue sheets so all you can see is the top
  4. sink Europe under the sea but leave the top of the tower visible
  5. set fire to it
  6. climb on top of it
  7. skewer a giant muffin on it
  8. broadcast a radio signal from it
  9. make a movie about it
  10. cover it in honey so all the bees in France swarm around it

3 Points

The Stem of an Orange
1. Stick an arrow through the stem.
2. Paint the orange and the stem opposite colors.
3. Photoshop: cluster the indents on the orange around the stem.
4. Tell someone to look at it.
5. Point a finger at it.
6. Write the words "STEM" really big next to it.
7. Make the stem smell strongly of oranges.
8. Have someone stick their tongue out pointing to it.
9. Cut the attached leaf in the shape of an arrow pointing.
10. Put something shiny on the stem.

The Point Where a Seal Balances a Ball on Its Nose
1. Draw arrows on the ball.
2. Paint the tip of the seal's nose.
3. Have music come out of the ball on contact.
4. Have the ball spin on its point.
5. Have light shine behind it and accentuate the point.
6. Place something reflective at the point (eye catching).
7. Draw a line to the point.
8. Laser point to the point.
9. Place glass between the ball and the nose.
10. Draw a red circle around the point.

The Pupil of an Eye
1. Make the pupil the focal point of a painting.
2. Significantly darken the pupil.
3. Significantly lighten the pupil.
4. Narrow the eye.
5. Use contact lenses that highlight the pupil.
6. Photoshop some "sparkle" into the pupil.
7. Make the pupil an unusual color.
8. Write the words "PUPIL" next to the eye.
9. Yell "PUPIL!"
10. Photoshop an interesting reflection into the pupil.

-Allison Norton

Tutorials on Photoshop

It's a pretty cool site where he shows you how to do various poster designs, fonts, and other tutorials using photoshop and other interfaces. This one on the left is one that he did and he even shows you how he created it. Check it out!

Three Points

Point 1: Tip Of A Seagull's Beak
1. Draw a picture of it
2. Shoot it
3. Throw a rock at it
4. Take a picture of it
5. Look for an image on google
6. Look in a bird's handbook
7. Look at it through binoculars
8. Call it to you
9. Imitate the call of a seagull
10. Go to the beach and find one

Point 2: In a crater on the moon
1. Fly to it
2. Use a telescope to find it
3. Go to the moon and step on it
4. Poke a stick through it
5. Have an astronaut stick a flagpole through it
6. Draw a map to it
7. Laser point to it
8. Photograph it a the Griffith Observatory
9. Dig a hole in it on the moon
10. Place a doll on it

Point 3: On a poster of the Eiffel tower on my wall
1. Point to it
2. Stick a post it on it
3. Poke a hole through the poster
4. Hammer a nail into it
5. Describe where it is relative to the Eiffel Tower in the picture
6. Paint over everything except the point
7. Rip out everything else
8. Shine a light on it
9. Mark it with an "X"
10. Take a polaroid of it

Sunday, January 17, 2010

3 points

By Irene Mack

1. wink
2. raise eyebrow
3. use finger to stretch around the eye
4. draw arrows on the face pointing to the pupil
5. symbolism in diagrams: (church) pew + pill = pupil
6. flamboyant eye makeup
7. excessive blinking
8. draw glasses around eyes
9. zorro mask
10. noticeable colored contacts

Tip of nose:
1. wiggle
2. sneeze
3. shine a light on it
4. point to it
5. make a piggy nose gesture
6. color it
7. pick the nose
8. plastic surgery to make it extremely pointy and noticeable
9. draw it
10. blow the nose

Star (s):
1. telescope
2. using a laser pointer
3. constellation map
4. shoot something at the star
5. verbally, in a pictionary sense: Movie ____ or ___ Wars
6. verbally, say something about a symbol of Judaism
7. go stargazing
8. sing/hum twinkle twinkle little star
9. paint it
10. go to Hollywood and do the Walk of Fame

Three Points

By: Joyce Pak

Tip of a black cat's nose

1. Draw a picture
2. Make meowing noises
3. Point to a nose
4. Take a picture of a cat
5. Draw something black
6. Act like a cat
7. Take friend to places that smell weird
8. Draw a map to my friend's who has the cat
9. Describe a cat
10. Point to a liter box

Cromwell Field
1. Pretend jogging
2. Draw a map
3. Pretend soccer
4. Point in that direction
5. Point to an athlete
6. Draw a picture of that place
7. Pretend throwing a disc
8. Point to grass
9. Verbally describe what you do there
10. Take a photo of Cromwell

My pink pencil's end tip
1. Point to it
2. Start motioning the use of a pencil eraser
3. Make a mistake
4. Draw a picture of it
5. Take a photo of it
6. Point to some other eraser
7. Draw a map of it in the room
8. Stare at it
9. Write an essay/poem about it
10. Make a huge arrow out of paper and point at it

-Joyce Pak

Identifying Three Points

1. A piece of gum on the bottom of my shoe
  • throw it at something
  • paint it
  • describe it
  • point with a stick
  • take a picture of it
  • scrape it off on a rock
  • lick it
  • re-enact stepping in gum
  • blow it up with some sort of explosive
  • draw a diagram of it

2. A booger inside my nose
  • pick it with my finger
  • blow nose
  • cut my nose off
  • sniff it out
  • shine a flashlight on it
  • sneeze
  • pick it with my tongue
  • use tweezers to get it out
  • take an x-ray of my nose
  • paint it with glow in the dark paint

3. A petal from a sunflower
  • pick it
  • point with my finger
  • circle it with a pen
  • color it with a marker
  • stare at it
  • set it on fire
  • step on it
  • punch it
  • look at it through a magnifying glass
  • point with my tongue

3 points

Pinky toe
1) a ballet slipper with a hole over the little "piggie"
2) toe over the edge of a balance beam
3) exaggerate the size and length of the other toes
4) don't draw the pinky toe
5) put an undefined smudge of color where the pinky should be
6) Toe socks!
7) flip flop sandal w/strap by pinky toe instead of the big toe
8) pedicure, starting with the pinky toe
9)A frost bitten pinky toe (owww)
10) line up pinky finger with pinky toe

Ballpoint tip of a pen
1) Show ink spilling out of tip
2) have tip pierce through paper
3) writer sitting sharpening the tip of the pen
4)have an archer shoot a pen with very sharp tip
5) pen tip with a color swirl on the very tippy tip
6) outlined pen in grey, yellow background, make tip the only white part
7)give the pen a brush tip making a mark like a ballpoint pen would
8) stained pocket of a shirt, the person pulling out the pen with ink dripping off
9) have different pins- tacks, fountain pens, feather pens- all in a line,tip down- ballpoint pin tip in the exact middle facing up
10)ballpoint pen with no tip, a red splotch instead

Tip of stiletto heel
1) woman handing her shoes over to security, sign "no weapons allowed"
2)distraught woman holding broken shoe with heel tip up
3)make the tip of the stilleto a circle rather than a point
4) show knife cutting off the tip of the heel
5) show heel tip turning into a stiletto blade
6)show little girl standing on tip toes next to her mom in heels (toes right next to the heel tip)
7) show a pair of ugly boots in one hand, stilettos in the other (heel tip in "profile")
8) show an impact indentation of the heel
9) make it look like men's names are being spelled out with the heel tip
10) make heel red take out tip, and put a dot on the "floor" where the tip should be

3 Points

The front of the basketball rim at the Lyon Center
1. Point to it
2. Draw it
3. Jump and t0uch it
4. Take a picture
5. Describe how it looks
6. Listen to the sound it makes when hit with something
7. Describe what it is used for
8. Mark it with a pen
9. Throw a ball at it
10. Write a poem about it

The bottom right corner of my car bumper
1. Paint it
2. Scratch it
3. Put a drop of water on it
4. Wax it
5. Put a sticky note on it
6. Put a smudge of dirt on it
7. Dent it
8. Remove it from the car
9. Put a bumper sticker on it
10. Refer to rear-ending accidents

The edge of my dining table at home
1. Place a food item on it
2. Place a fork on the table pointing to it
3. Identify the point on the tablecloth pattern
4. Lick it
5. Clean the whole table except for that point
6. Burn a hole in that spot
7. Sniff it
8. Shine a flashlight on it
9. Put tape on it
10. Spill a drink over it