Monday, January 18, 2010

Three Points

The Pupil of an Eye
1. Photoshop picture so all eyes have red eye except the center of one is a different color
2. Close eye and draw dot on the eyelid where the center of the eye would be
3. Create classes that have a tiny hold directly over the pupil
4. Reverse normal eye coloring--black iris, blue pupil
5. Create an image of an eye with a laser-like beam of light coming from the center
6. Name all parts of the eye except for the pupil
7. Create a video that zooms in on the center of the eye
8. Make the center of the eye sparkle
9. Talk incessantly about the pupil of the eye
10. Label the pupil

The Spot Where the First Snowflake Lands
1. Make a map
2. Put a stake in the ground
3. Write a song about the point
4. Stand on the point and wave a flag
5. Shine a light on the point
6. Build a snowman to stand on the point
7. Sing a song about the point
8. Place a Post-It on the point
9. Erase the point from a photo
10. Plant a tree on the point

The Distinguishing Freckle on my Twin Sister's Nose
1. Place a jewel on the point
2. Color the point a different color
3. Point to the freckle
4. Take two photos, one showing the freckle, the other with it conspicuously missing
5. Draw an arrow to the freckle
6. Enhance the point with lip liner
7. Cover the point with glitter
8. Take a close-up photo of the point
9. Hold a magnifying glass over the point
10. Write a story about the point

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