Sunday, September 21, 2014

Field-trip to the Getty

This past Saturday. my drawing 201 class went to the Getty Center to see the Rococo to Revolution: 18th-Century French Drawings from Los Angeles Collections exhibit, and I must say that it was absolutely amazing! A lot of the art work that was exhibited had a lot of expression in them, and also had an incredible amount of detail to them,too. There were a lot of figure drawings that were done in chalk and ink (which i unfortunately did not get to snap pictures of), but there were also quite a few pieces that had incorporated white gouache, like the second picture shown above, to create extremely white whites. I, for one, am a huge fan of 18th and 19th-century art, so this was a real treat for me. Unfortunately, this particular exhibit ended this weekend, so cannot necessarily tell anyone else to go see it, but I will say that the pictures do not do the pieces justice. They look pretty awesome in the pictures, but they were even more mind-blowing in person.