Saturday, January 16, 2010

Three Points and a Picture

"My left patella
1. .' the junction of my left femur and tibia and fibula
2. ...currently suspended, partially, above the aforementioned. Possibly off-center, possibly inflamed, possibly in danger of becoming permanently damaged.'
3. Continue describing it long-windedly.
4. I could tear a hole in my jeans and expose my knee.
5. Put a knee brace around the spot except over my patella, thereby framing it.
6. I could paint the thing--It's not that difficult to locate.
7. I could have someone surgically remove it, but that would be a bit disguting and impractical.
8. Look at my knee.
9. The other day Makena [friend] struck me squarely in the right knee. I could have that done to my left knee, either by myself or someone else.
10. I could cover it with my hand, while trying to get up, for example.

Sydney's [suitemate] left iris
1. 'Located in her left eye socket--appears as our right.'
2. 'Currently (2:45 PM) aimed at a word on some text somewhere in a distant room in the BME vicinity.'
3. Today she's wearing black with light blue embellishments that make her eyes stand out. Have her wear colors that match her eyes.
4. Draw an arrow under her left eye, pointing up, on her cheek.
5. Photograph it.
6. Cover it with an eyepatch.
7. Paint the surrounding area with orange makeup.
8. Again, surgically remove it, but that's undesirable.
9. Tell her there's something in her eye--make her run to the nearest mirror.
10. List ways to focus on her eye--You're currently focusing on it, though you've never seen it.

The tip of the second hand on my watch.
1. Point to it.
2. Remove it.
3. Put my ear to my watch.
4. Watch it.
5. Draw it.
6. Remove the hour and minute hand from my watch.
7. Film it ticking.
8. Tap along as it ticks.
9. Record its ticking noise.
10. Photograph it close-up passing a second mark on the watch face."

3 Points

- Tip of a Pencil
1. point it
2.change the color of the pencil's tip
3. make a mark with a pencil by drawing a point
4. place the pencil in front of eyes, tip pointing to eye
5. sharpen the pencil
6. Touch it
7. Poke it
8. Have another pencil point at it
9. Write things with it
10. take a photo of the tip
- Tip of a sharp knife
1. slice an orange
2. stab
3. make a wound
4. color the tip in red
5. point the knife at another person
6. take a photo
7. point it
8. make the other ends dull, leaving the tip fine and sharp
9. leave it on display, pointing the tip with an arrow
10. put a "dangerous" or a "cautious" sign
- Birthmark
1. stare at it
2. Take a photo
3. point it
4. eliminate other birthmarks, moles so that it would emphasize on just one
5. Color it
6. Point it with a lazer
7. Have a dermatologist examine it
8. Englarge it
9. Decorate around it
10. Pasty, white makeup that won't cover up the dark birthmark

Friday, January 15, 2010

3 points

2. Drawing
3. Picture in a textbook
4. A human being
5. A scientific Summary
6. a 9th grade science project
7. in a surgery room
8. Electronic Lab DNA reader
9. Family Tree
10. pointing out the 3 letters of the alphabet

Tip of an Eyelash
1.riddle- you are looking at it all day long
2. staring at it
3. it can be found on a cheek
4. it can be found in the shower
5. Point with a flashlight
6. Pluck one out
7. flutter your eyelids
8. Explain its a small piece of hair
9. Map it out on the human body
10. Show a picture of one

Dot on a paper
1. point to it
2. Lazer point to it
3. Draw a large red circle around it
4. Take a photo
5. show an example
6. stare at it
7. talk about it
8. explain it is the only art work on the page
9. Explain it is one the table
10. stomp your foot on it

3 points

Tip of leaf on a tree
1- writing a description of the leaf
2- map of location
3- drawing of leaf's tip
4- macro photograph of tip
5- recording of sound around the leaf
6- a collection of dew that has rolled off the leaf
7- veins of the leaf
8- color of leaf rubbed onto some surface
9- mold or replica of leaf
10- insect that lives on leaf

Tip of my cat's tail
1- some hairs removed from tail
2- mapping of tail's movement in space
3- photographs of everything cat's tail touches while walking
4- record of different movements dependent on time of day
5- sound the tail makes hitting things
6- bone of cat's tail
7- x-ray photograph of cat's tail
8- smell of cat's tail
9- dip tail in paint
10- put a bell on the cat's tail

Tip of the corner of a hundred dollar bill
1- fold it
2-put tape on it
3- highlight it with a marker
4- hold it by the corner
5- hand it to someone only letting them grab it by the corner
6- punch a hole in it
7- make it wet
8- put grease on it
9- tie it to kitty's tail
10- put it under finger nail like bob does in twin peaks

Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 pts

1. tip of an umbrella
2. a hole on the shirt
3. the other end of a straight tunnel

* tip of an umbrella

  1. point it forward
  2. a butterfly rests on the tip
  3. use a contrast color from rest of the umbrella
  4. pop open the umbrella
  5. twist rotate; spinning the umbrella
  6. remove the tip, leave an empty hole there
  7. carve the tip
  8. raindrop dripped from the tip
  9. put a lot of materials on top, the tip will be the only supporting point
  10. throw the umbrella, let the tip collide with a surface, hit or even go through it
  11. poke holes on the wet ground

* a hole on the shirt

  1. finger to poke through the hole
  2. enlarge the hole
  3. looking through the hole
  4. put an unhappy face next to it
  5. color it
  6. put picture of the shirt without the hole next to the picture of the shirt with the hole
  7. let the sunlight leak through the hole
  8. recreate the situation where the hole is ripped
  9. treads come through it
  10. replicate the holes of the shirt and arrange them in orders

*the other end of a straight tunnel

  1. turn off the light inside the tunnel
  2. point to it
  3. describe it
  4. suddenly close it off
  5. build geometric structures inside the tunnels, all pointed to the same end
  6. traffic lights disappears at the end the tunnel
  7. explosion
  8. yell at the other side of the tunnel
  9. a line of cars driving out of the tunnel
  10. the end at different time periods, day and night

3 points

1. The tip of a scissor
2. The tip of a brand new lipstick
3. The points on the kite

10 Different ways to identify the tip of a brand new lipstick

1. Write on the bathroom mirror with it.
2. Light a match next to the lipstick in the dark, so that it can glow.
3. Spray water over the lipstick as if you are watering a plant.
4. Point a red laser towards it.
5. Place a tissue or cloth over the lipstick and cover it.
6. Cut the lipstick in half.
7. Color or encircle the tip of the lipstick with a black marker.
8. Place the lipstick on a white floor with white walls.
9. Tape a piece of paper on the wall with a black arrow pointed towards the lipstick.
10. Tie the lipstick on a string and attach it to a dog's collar.

Tip of scissor
1. Hold it out the car window when driving.
2. Stab through a cardboard box so that it is pierced through and it points out.
3. Tie a ribbon or a bright colored yarn around it.
4. Drag the scissor attached with a string and walk with it. (like a dog leash)
5. Light a match towards it.
6. Cut a piece of paper with it or other numerous objects.
7. Tell someone to hand the scissors to cut a piece of paper.
8. Wear the scissor as a necklace, so that it looks unusual.
9. Place the scissor in a clear vase with water in it.
10. Ask someone where the scissors are, so that they can look for it.

The ends on a kite
1. Tie a string around the ends so that it can fly with the wind.
2. Leave the kite on the driveway
3. Place the kite in a mailbox.
4. Draw attention to it by pointing a flash light towards it.
5. Tell someone to fly the kite.
6. Carry the kite and use it as a purse.
7. Wrap the kite around your waist like a belt.
8. Have the kite hanging from the wall coming from the top ceiling.
9. Put the kite by the antennas of the car, so that when a person is driving it will fly as well.
10. Take it to the beach on a windy day and fly it really high with balloons attached to it.

<2+1 = <3 Points

Point 1 : One Rhinestone in a "Goldmine" Ring

1. Point it out.
2. Take a picture and label it.
3. Diagram it.
4. Describe its location in relation to the other rhinestones.
5. Remove it.
6. Touch it.
7. Describe the texture.
8. Sketch it.
9. Write out a description of it.
10. Paint it.

Point 2 : The Top Right Corner of a Sheet of Paper

1. Label it.
2. Mark it with an arrow.
3. Circle it.
4. Shade it in.
5. Highlight it.
6. Diagram it.
7. Take a picture.
8. Point it out.
9. Fold the paper to emphasize that specific corner.
10. Shine a light on it.

Point 3 : The Writing Point of a Pencil

1. Point it out.
2. Emphasize it.
3. Wave it around.
4. Use it.
5. Describe it in color terms.
6. Paint it.
7. Sharpen it.
8. Diagram it.
9. Label it.
10. Write out a description of it.

Three Points

Three Points:
1. The pupil of my left eye
2. The green dot on the white board of room 117 on 1/14/10
3. The tip of my tongue

The pupil of my left eye:
1. Wear white contacts so only my pupil shows.
2. Frame my eye with a mask.
3. Draw an arrow on my forehead pointing to my eye.
4. Hang my eyeball from the ceiling of my room.
5. Keep my right eye closed.
6. Hold a magnifying glass up to my eye so that only my pupil shows.
7. Point at my eye.
8. Shine a flashlight into my eye.
9. Tell people not to look at my left eye's pupil.
10. Put my eyeball on display in a clear cube.

The green dot on the white board of room 117 on 1/14/10
1. Put a sign next to it that says to look at it.
2. Make an announcement to look at the board.
3. Point at the board and say "What is that?"
4. Paint the dot with glow-in-the-dark paint and turn the lights off.
5. Take the whiteboard and hang it outside the entrance to Parkside A&H.
6. Draw a circle around the dot.
7. Cover the dot with a bright pink paper circle.
8. Write my first name using the dot for the "i."
9. Dance near the dot.
10. When I say polka you say...(I point to the dot.)

The tip of my tongue
1. Get my tongue pierced!
2. Stick my tongue out.
3. Get my tongue split in half.
4. Lick a frozen flagpole and have my tongue get stuck.
5. Paint the tip of my tongue with blue kool-aid powder.
6. Try to touch my nose with the tip of my tongue.
7. Listen to some KISS and get inspired...
8. Pretend to be a dog for a day.
9. Photoshop my tongue so that it has a face and then cut it out.
10. Eat something unbearably spicy and then run around with my mouth open trying to cool my tongue.

3 points

1. Tip of a dog's snout

2. Tip of a pen
3. Tip of an airplane

Tip of a Dog's snout::

1. Put a kibble on the tip of the dogs nose
2. Touch, pat the snout.
3. Have the dog sniff and demonstrate sound
4.Point to the tip of the snout
5. Throw a ball towards the snout
6. Draw a dog and only use color to emphasize the snout
7. Sculpt a figure of a dog's nose
8. Describe the dogs snout in detail ( Black, moist, etc.)
9.Take a picture of the snout
10. Put a spotlight in the snout
