Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Message from AIGA USC - First Meeting Tonight

Greetings Design Enthusiasts!

Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 7th at 5pm in WAH 105.
 * but don't worry if you are unable to attend, all of our events will be posted on our USC AIGA Facebook page and Blog.
Our Tuesday meetings will not be the main focus of AIGA this year so don't fret if you have class and can't make the meetings.

For those of you who are able to attend the meeting, we will be discussing exciting projects and events for this semester as well as eating yummy pizza.

Some of the events we look forward to hosting include:
T-Shirt making session

Button/Pin making

Art Walk excursions

Book Binding

Studio Visits

USC AIGA club shirt competition

Design Industry speakers

Social events and Networking

Exhibitions at the Art Walk and Tutor Campus Center

Portfolio Day in May

So come out and have some fun with USC AIGA! 

See you on Tuesday!
- Kristie and Jeff

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