Friday, February 6, 2009

It begins....

Welcome to our new class blog for USC Roski's FA102 section 33260 ( T/TH 2-5pm, Guirguis). Here you'll find updates on class activities, pictures of our projects and comments on the discussions we're having in class.


1 comment:

  1. /Users/katiekravit/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2009/art/IMG_0572.JPG

    /Users/katiekravit/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2009/art/IMG_0574.JPG

    I was most moved by the Marianne Mueller photo exhibit. I thought it was really cool how the exhibit was in the same gallery as the portraits of homes framed next to a fake fire. That was one artist's portrayal of home, juxtaposed with Marianne Mueller's notion of home. She showed the human body as a home, as opposed to a physical structure. The way she used space and movement in her compositions made the picture come off the page for me. She used a lot of nudity and bare body parts to show focus on the body itself, instead of material items to show her home. She also turned some of the pictures on their sides and had a variety of sizes to make the pictures aesthetically pleasing. She also had pictures that were of the body and then a picture next to it with a similar shape (see below). I thought that was really cool to show how nature imitates the body and the body imitates nature. I was just really intrigued by her pieces and could relate to her notion of home.

    /Users/katiekravit/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2009/art/IMG_0573.JPG
