Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Alice Konitz

Tonight Alice Konitz came and spoke to students at USC and I was given the opportunity to hear about her art.. She is a sculptor. Her sculptures are never completely finished and leave room for interpretation. They "deny resolution" and are monumentally based. Alice focuses on how you physically relate to the sculpture, and how it fits into the space provided. Her pieces deal with light as well.

Some of her pieces are "Stone Curtain" and "Shelf" which can shift in space and vary the height and fit
"Taco Stand" was based off of architecture of a taco stand she saw. Konitz was very drawn to the structure and the people coming in and out to get food. Alice is also very interested in owls because they are very human-like because their eyes are set in the front of their heads instead of the sides. She has done many pieces based on owls, including a film.
She has also been very inspired by architecture of the freeway. Alice has constructed and is trying to construct monuments in Glendale. Alice has also done storefront patterns, exhibited in museums, and has and will continue to be a huge force in the sculpture world

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