Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Poster Project, Again!

So this is my poster! I was given the topic 'public service' and the theme '70s conceptualism'. The problem is, 70s conceptualism doesn't go too well with public service - pre-eminent conceptualists like Seymour Chwast and Wes Wilson were really more interested in doing drugs than in supporting their local police station, I guess?

So I went for an anti-war poster, and that was a lot of fun! Being able to go for a trippy, 1970s feel made the poster a ton of fun.

Surprisingly, one of the hardest parts of making this poster - by FAR - was the color choice. This is all created digitally, and I probably spent 4 hours just using different color swatches to see how they looked. I really love the final light green - orange - pink color scheme you can see here... I actually stole the color scheme from a series of drawings Seymour Chwast did for a magazine in the 70s; I'm glad I did because they look great.

I have 2 issues with the final project though, none of which I saw coming until it got printed:

1- the whole thing looks too computer-generated! It was very sad, but the second I looked at it on paper it just seemed a little too removed from reality. This is something that's hard to pick up on in Photoshop - I think I need just a better 'sense' at picking this sort of thing up.

2- KINKO'S. They printed all the colors way wrong! Oh my god, Kinko's, for the obscene amounts of money you charge you'd think you could at least calibrate your printer. Everything came out too dark, and that awesome lime green color that makes up the big bomb just became too dark and sad. Awful!

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